Bill Eppridge: A Personal Reflection on the Photographer in a Tumultuous Time

Like all of Life’s great photographers, Bill Eppridge brought to an assignment much more than the ability to take a properly exposed and well-composed photograph. He has curiosity and anticipates, he is sensitive and respects his subjects, and he is versatile.

For a while it seemed that he specialized in riots and revolutions: in Panama, where he shot his first cover, in Managua, and in Santo Domingo where, in “rebel territory,” his 500-mm mirror lens almost got him killed. It seems that, after days of provocation by someone they had nicknamed ‘One Shot Charlie’ – someone into whose position Bill and his lens innocently stepped – the U.S. 82nd Airborne determined “to get the bastard whenever he moved.” The shot from a .50-caliber spotting rifle missed Bill by inches.

Check it out here.