Photography Composition: The Definitive Guide – Beautiful Pictures

Photography Composition: The Definitive Guide – Landscape Photography | Real Estate Photography

The most comprehensive free Photography Composition tutorial on the internet. “Rules” explained, tons of examples, charts and food thought. Time to step up!

via Landscape Photography | Real Estate Photography:

This article summarizes all my knowledge, experience and 6 months of work. I believe, anyone, newbie or pro, could find some new useful info inside of it. There are already hundreds of articles, dozens of guides. And some of them are really good. However, there was still a need for the comprehensive composition guide nicely presented and easy to follow. I did my best to keep it simple, concise and easy to understand with lots of goodies to download for future reference. Also, I keep it as short as possible with zero fluff for such a massive amount of material. Less talk, more practical info with examples, charts and graphs.