Felipe Romero Beltrán – Magdalena
Felipe Romero Beltrán Magdalena [ EPF 2018 FINALIST ] In the 1960s, an armed-conflict began in Colombia between mafias, paramilitary groups and armed guerrillas such as the FARC movement, who were …
via burn magazine: https://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2018/12/felipe-romero-beltran-magdalena/
In the 1960s, an armed-conflict began in Colombia between mafias, paramilitary groups and armed guerrillas such as the FARC movement, who were all fighting to influence the decisions made by the government. The war ended in 2016, when the government and the FARC signed an historical peace deal. The bodies of many of the victims killed during the years of war were often mutilated and then thrown in the Magdalena River: a river that has been fundamental for the nation, it is a vital water source and has been established as the heart of the entire area. In the middle of the river, the zone called <> fishermen have taken advantage of its abundance to feed entire villages. For years, the fishermen fishing in the river have found body parts in their nets and brought them out of the water. During years, the local populations have practiced relogious rituals to gain the favors of the dead.