David Hobby: A Baltimore Sun photographer took a buyout, started a website, and changed photography forever. – By Steven I. Weiss – Slate Magazine

David Hobby: A Baltimore Sun photographer took a buyout, started a website, and changed photography forever.

At first glance, David Hobby looks like just another casualty of the decline of print media: A longtime staff photographer for the Baltimore Sun, he…

via Slate Magazine: http://www.slate.com/id/2291603

How Hobby went from being a workaday newspaper photographer to an internationally recognized guru is a story tied up with seismic changes in the photography profession. By teaching a horde of novices the skills necessary to shoot photographs of a quality that was until very recently only within the grasp of an elite few, Hobby has played a significant role in the transformation of the profession. In the last few years, the market rate for many types of professional photographs has dropped by as much as 99 percent.