EPF 2011 Winner – Irina Werning's Back to the Future

EPF 2011 Winner

Emerging Photographer Fund – 2011 Recipient [slidepress gallery=’irinawerning_backtothefuture’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICI…

via burn magazine: https://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2011/06/epf-2011-winner/

I love old photos. I know I’m a nosy photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for those old photos. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… A year ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.