GOWIN, FRIEDLANDER & CALLAHAN: "The Model Wife" (2001)

Emmet Gowin, Lee Friedlander and Harry Callahan: “The Model Wife” (2001)

Edith, 1970 @ Emmet Gowin

“I realized that my own family — Edith’s family — was as miraculous as the most distant people in the world and they were at the same time, the most available to me, and perhaps available only to me…. I had not realized t

via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2011/06/gowin-friedlander-callahan-model-wife.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Americansuburb+(AMERICANSUBURBX)

He came of age photographically, making images of his wife’s family. “I realized that my own family — Edith’s family — was as miraculous as the most distant people in the world and they were at the same time, the most available to me, and perhaps available only to me…. I had not realized that art could be made by simply telling the story of your own life, of your own experience.”