Canon 5D MKII Pre-Preview Report – Luminous Landscape


This isn’t the 720P of the Nikon D90, which uses simple motion JPG as its codec . This is 1080 30i using the latest H264 video codec at a data rate of over 47 megabits / second. If these number are greek to you – relax. They won’t be after a while, because high quality video is coming to a DSLR near you a hell of a lot faster than you ever thought it would. (Scoffers – you can now eat your hats. Bon appetit!)

The bottom line on this is that at least as far as the specs go, image quality is full HD, 1920 X 1080 interlaced, at 30 frames per second. The recording data rate is faster than on some pro video cameras. The depth of field is that of a 35mm full-frame camera, not one with a sensor 5X to 9X smaller.

Check it out here.