Michael Carlebach’s Photos of a Goofy South Florida

Odd Shadows in a Sunny Land

“All this is out there,” he said about these brief, quiet and sometimes deliciously odd tableaux. “It’s easily ignored, but at our peril, if we forget who we are or if we think the only important stuff is what’s smack in the middle of the limelight.”

via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/30/odd-shadows-in-a-sunny-land/?pagewanted=all

Before Art Basel, Miami Beach and “Miami Vice,” there was another South Florida.

It was cheesier, scarier, goofier and much closer to the bone. Times Square with alligators. “Funny and depressing at the same time,” said Michael Carlebach, a photojournalist, photographic historian and educator.