Just Make It Happen

Just Make It Happen

The bottom line, is this photojournalism thing is broken. If you’ve ever seen a horde of Dutch photographers (home of World Press Photo) work a woman’s team of gold medal winning water-polo players, you’d agree. The people that should be working to fix th

via Mostly True: http://kennethjarecke.typepad.com/mostly_true/2013/02/just-make-it-happen.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MostlyTrue+%28Mostly+True%29

Paolo Pellegrin attacked… everybody. He took no responsibility for his own actions. He constructs straw-men to whack down while at the same time blaming everyone but himself.

My way, end of controversy. Paolo’s way, fuel on the fire