We’re Just Sayin: That Water Movin’ Underneath the Bridge

That Water Movin’ Underneath the Bridge

I know it’s a cliché to think of your own life as a whirling tempest of “en passant” events. We all think that things pass too quickly, bu…

Link: http://werejustsayin.blogspot.com/2015/07/that-water-movin-underneath-bridge.html

It’s all gone too, too soon. Just yesterday I was reflecting on the total impossiiblity that 46 (that would be forty plus six) years ago, I’d been camped out on the beach at Titusville, Florida, with about a million of my closest friends, awaiting with that combination of trepidation and excitement, the launch of the behemoth Saturn V rocket which would take the Apollo XI astronauts to the moon, land ON it, launch themselves back into lunar orbit, and then come home.