Jason Koxvold photographs Operation Resolute Support in Afghanistan in his series “BLACK – WATER.”



What Are We Still Doing in Afghanistan?

After 14 years of combat, thousands of deaths and injuries, and billions of dollars, the war in Afghanistan is technically over, yet thousands of…

via Slate Magazine: http://www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2015/08/19/jason_koxvold_photographs_operation_resolute_support_in_afghanistan_in_his.html

After 14 years of combat, thousands of deaths and injuries, and billions of dollars, the war in Afghanistan is technically over, yet thousands of NATO-led troops remain in the country as part of Operation Resolute Support. This past June, Jason Koxvold spent a week photographing the series “BLACK-WATER” to find out what our continued presence in the country looks like.