‘This Land’: America’s beauty in photographs – The Washington Post

Perspective | ‘This Land’: America’s beauty in photographs

Photographer Jack Spencer traversed the country for over a decade, capturing darkness and beauty.

via Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/in-sight/wp/2017/08/18/this-land-searching-for-americas-identity-in-photographs/

There is only one flag in Jack Spencer’s photographic portrait of America. It withers under time and the elements, a symbol of bitterness instead of pride. It is at Wounded Knee, the site of the bloody oppression of the Lakota Native Americans over a century ago.

The flag is a reflection of Spencer’s inner state as he started photographing in 2003 for what would become his book, “This Land” (University of Texas Press, 2017). The images started out dark — a reaction to jingoism that saturated the country after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and before the Iraq War.