A Photographer and Her Subject Share a Journey Over the Decades – The New York Times

A Photographer and Her Subject Share a Journey Over the Decades

In “An Autobiography of Miss Wish,” Nina Berman tells the story of Kimberly Stevens, a survivor of sex trafficking and child pornography, whom Ms. Berman has known since meeting her in London 27 years ago.

via Lens Blog: https://archive.nytimes.com/lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/11/16/a-photographer-and-her-subject-share-a-journey-over-the-decades/

In the first pages of “An Autobiography of Miss Wish,” the reader meets Kimberly Stevens multiple times: In handwritten notes; dark, cinematic images; drawings of knives and books; and a beaming childhood portrait. Then there’s her psychiatric history written in detached clinical jargon, and a portrait of her prone, living on the street.