A Portrait of the Amazon on the Brink of Catastrophic Change – Feature Shoot

A Portrait of the Amazon on the Brink of Catastrophic Change – Feature Shoot

March 29, 2014. A group of boys climb a tree on the Xingu River by the city of Altamira, Para State, Brazil. Major areas of the city have been permanently…

via Feature Shoot: https://www.featureshoot.com/2018/11/a-portrait-of-the-amazon-on-the-brink-of-catastrophic-change/

In his series, Where the River Runs Through, which was chosen for the Critical Mass Top 50, photographer Aaron Vincent Elkaim presents Where the River Runs Through, a profound portrait of the people and the landscape at the precipice of a massive change whose impact on the indigenous communities and the environment are devastating. Elkaim shares his insights into the impact of industry on the earth.