A Portrait of Life Secluded in the Ozark Mountains | The New Yorker

A Portrait of Life Secluded in the Ozark Mountains

Matthew Genitempo’s photo series “Jasper” is an idiosyncratic travelogue, combining elegiac black-and-white landscapes with portraits of the men and women he encountered deep in the Ozarks.

via The New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/a-portrait-of-life-secluded-in-the-ozark-mountains

It was the poetry of Frank Stanford that first drew the photographer Matthew Genitempo to the Ozarks. “When you take the lost road . . . / You find lovers who’ve been listening / For the same roosters to sing / For twenty centuries,” Stanford, who inhabited the mountainous region for most of his adult life, writes in his poem “Circle of Lorca.” “When you get lost on the road / You run into the dead.”