A Portrait of Love Among the Ruins of Post-Industrial America – Feature Shoot

A Portrait of Love Among the Ruins of Post-Industrial America

October 23, 2010 birthdays Tony in the dark bedroom, looking out the window Dana nursing KyLanne the day before she took her baby home In the dystopian mythos that fuels…

via Feature Shoot: https://www.featureshoot.com/2019/02/a-portrait-of-love-among-the-ruins-of-post-industrial-america/

Artist Brenda Ann Kenneally knows how the game is played better than most, and uses her knowledge and wisdom expose the truth — rather than perpetuate the lies told and sold. In 2002, she and author Adrian Nicole LeBlanc began collaborating on a magazine assignment in Troy, New York, a once-thriving city whose fortunes have gone dark.