Working in the Middle – The Digital Journalist


Danfung Dennis:

Then the riot police surged forward at a full sprint. I ran alongside, photographing them. Did they push me or did I trip? All I know is that the next moment I was airborne, hurtling through space, then crushed to the ground. The riot police trampled over me as they charged towards the rioters. When they passed I sat up, dazed in a swirling cloud of dust, bleeding from both my arms, my leg, back and side. Pieces of my camera and lens lay in pieces around me. I limped back to my car where my driver said, “This is when the police will start shooting people,” as if to prod me back into the melee. I considered returning into the vast sea of tin shacks that is home to over a million people. Then I took a look at the remains of my camera and the blood soaking through my clothes and realized that I needed to go to a hospital more than I wanted to photograph any more police and rioters.

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