Held by the Taliban – Part 2 in a Series by David Rohde

Inside the Islamic Emirate

After being kidnapped in Afghanistan, David Rohde, a Times reporter, and two Afghan colleagues were moved into the tribal areas of Pakistan. The second installment in a series offering Mr. Rohde’s account of his captivity.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/19/world/asia/19hostage.html?hp=&pagewanted=all

On the first day there, I went to the bathroom and returned to find Tahir with a fresh cut on his calf. It looked as if someone had drawn a line across his leg in red ink. A local Waziri militant had taken out his knife and tried to cut off a chunk of Tahir’s calf, saying he wanted to eat the flesh of an Afghan who worked with Westerners. One of Atiqullah’s guards had stopped him.