Tag: David McNew

  • David McNew’s Photographs of California’s Wildfires – Artsy

    David McNew’s Photographs of California’s Wildfires – Artsy

    How This Photojournalist Gets Close to California’s Devastating Wildfires For four decades, David McNew has taken incredible photographs of the terrible wildfires in his home state. via Artsy: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-photojournalist-close-californias-devastating-wildfires Photojournalist David McNew was tired. On November 7th, in the middle of the night, he received a call that a gunman had opened fire on patrons…

  • The Terrible Beauty of Californian Wildfires, as Seen by David McNew – The Atlantic

    The Terrible Beauty of Californian Wildfires, as Seen by David McNew Getty photographer David McNew has been covering Californian wildfires for more than a decade, and has an eye for finding the visual beauty amid the horrible destruction. via The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2016/07/the-terrible-beauty-of-californian-wildfires-as-seen-by-david-mcnew/492920/ Getty photographer David McNew has been covering many of these fires for more…