Tag: David Rohde

  • Held by the Taliban – A Five-Part Series by David Rohde

    Held by the Taliban – A Five-Part Series by David Rohde

    7 Months, 10 Days in Captivity (Published 2009) A Times reporter, David Rohde, and two Afghan colleagues were kidnapped by the Taliban in 2008 and held for seven months in Pakistan. This is the first installment in a five-part series offering his account. Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/18/world/asia/18hostage.html Living side by side with the Haqqanis’ followers, I learned…

  • Will a billion ‘selfies’ cause us to miss history?

    Will a billion ‘selfies’ cause us to miss history? As technological change has changed photojournalism, news photographers fear that iconic images that could trigger the public’s conscience are being missed. via Reuters: http://blogs.reuters.com/david-rohde/2013/12/18/will-a-billion-selfies-cause-us-to-miss-history/ photography is our predominant means of communication. Dizzying technological advances allow a mind-boggling number of images — half-a-billion a day — to…

  • David Rohde Q. and A.: Held by the Taliban – At War

    Link: David Rohde Q. and A.: Held by the Taliban – At War Blog – NYTimes.com: Many readers criticized my statement that I was surprised by how extreme many Tailban had become since 2001 and called me naïve.

  • U.S. Journalist Held Captive by Taliban Safely Escapes

    washingtonpost.com: The reporter, David Rohde, 41, was taken captive Nov. 10 with local reporter Tahir Ludin and their driver, while he was in the early stages of researching a book on Afghanistan. News organizations, including The Washington Post, did not report on the abduction at the request of the Times, which feared that publication of…