To start anew is to go back to that sense of wonder and awe
Check it out here.
I also came across this uncredited biography of Winogrand on the Temple University website. I thought it was worth copying whole, but if you have to skim, don’t miss out on John Szarkowki’s final quote. As always, he said it better than anyone.
Check it out here.
An article published in today’s New York Times (New York Edition) reports on some last-minute censorship of anti-war billboards scheduled to be displayed in St. Paul during the GOP convention next week.
Check it out here.
Philadelphia-based photographer Susan Bank was drawn to a different side of the island nation, however. She wanted to go beyond the borders of the big city and back even farther in time. Toting an unobtrusive 35 mm Leica, Ms. Bank traveled to Cuba’s rural Pinar del Rio province and got to know the people well enough to move in with them.
Check it out here.
Surrounded with some of my closest friends and wonderful photographers, we debated about what made us tick. What drives us? What makes us successful? What is the most important part about photography?
Do you want to know what the secret to photography is? I mean really want to know?
Check it out here.
Juergen Teller, the photographer, has spent much of this summer Tuesday editing a shoot commissioned by W Magazine about the art world in New York. The star of the shoot is the 47-year-old actress Tilda Swinton, who has been dressed up as everyone from an artist to a gallerist to an insecure collector mid–Botox procedure. She’s accompanied by artists like Rachel Feinstein and collectors like Renée Rockefeller. The whole thing looks fairly dark; the lighting is not gentle or flattering, and if any of the subjects has a pore, or a sagging breast, well, there it is.
Check it out here.
I heard today from the very cool Lou Mora about a new kind of photo agency that seems almost like a collective. I’m psyched about the name– Wonderful Machine (!), and I’m psyched about the very simple interface. Photo Editors- you know when you need a photographer in Missoula on one day’s notice?
Check it out here.
We’re very happy to announce that an all-new issue of Lens Culture is now online! This issue features wonderful and diverse photography and photo-based art from all over the world.
Check it out here.
If you ask a photographer what kind of images he or she makes, the answer most commonly refers to a list of divergent subjects.
Check it out here.
This year’s winners are:
Kurt Tong, China/UK
Mimi Youn, Korea/UK
Nigel Dickenson, France
Check it out here.
Sometimes it seems like a long amount of time goes without any appreciable work between fits of genius. Which brings a lot of boredom. And a lot of riding my Bianchi. And this new system to help score your photographs as being either brilliant or rubbish.
Check it out here.
I have seen Lyndon Wade’s (nsfw) photography before in big magazines and print ads
Check it out here.
shows the faces of the cruellest and most infamous dictators of our time, from Mao to Hitler to Mugabe. Hans Weishäupl took photographs of over 350 people in each dictator’s country and pieced particular parts of them together to create a new and alarmingly lively look for each of them. All seem familiar and yet somehow impenetrable due to the many faces that hide behind each portrait – just as in reality.
Check it out here.
Docu-photography’s greatest gift is to show the world as it is, but it’s also docu-photography’s greatest failing. Photographing on the street becomes the goal – and once that goal is reached (having the nerve to do it, with verve) the quality of the pictures somehow falls to the backburner.
Check it out here.
I’m happy to announce the launch of my new website design company for photographers:
Check it out here.
Trying to make money from your photography is a very long shot. The market is so saturated with quality pictures with extremely high availability and extremely low prices that getting a foothold is close to impossible.
Check it out here.
Pieter Hugo is a young South African photographer causing a stir and winning prizes for his unsettling images of the continent’s marginal people
Check it out here.
Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party in an orange jumpsuit labeled “Jail Bird.”
The resulting photos ended up on the social networking site Facebook, and then in court.
Prosecutor Jay Sullivan used the pictures to paint Lipton as an unrepentant partier who lived it up while his victim was in the hospital. An outraged judge called the pictures depraved and made a real jailbird out of Lipton, with two years in the slammer.
Check it out here.
We asked a photographer, Doug Menuez, and a gallery director, Debra Klomp Ching of Klompching Gallery in Brooklyn, to keep notes of their experiences as reviewee and reviewer during Review Santa Fe, the portfolio review organized by the Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It is one of the only portfolio events which uses a jury to screen applicants. This year, 95 photographers were selected to attend the review, which took place June 5 to 7.
Here they share their very different perspectives on the three day event: from preparation through the marathon review process and even their reflections afterwards.
Check it out here.
Anytime photographer Liz Wolfe releases new work, you know it’s going to be a good day. But when she revamps her website and launches a new online store, that’s even better.
Check it out here.