“It feels amazing, humbling, exciting and huge to think that I have been nominated by Magnum photographers, who have been among my favorite photographers since I started taking pictures. It also feels right to contribute with my point of view, as a documentarist and as an Arab woman,” says Boulos of her nomination. “I hope that the future holds, for me, many encounters, collaborations and new ways of documenting, questioning and resisting the world we live in.”
Bruce Davidson, Miranda Barnes, Sohrab Hura and more on how photographs can represent solidarity—from demonstrations of unity in the face of adversity and oppression, to moments of community and connection.
How can photographs represent solidarity? From Bruce Davidson’s iconic images of the Civil Right Movement to Richie Shazam’s coverage of the massive Black Trans Lives Matter march in Brooklyn last month, the act of solidarity can be seen in these demonstrations of unity in the face of adversity and oppression. But solidarity is also captured in moments of community and connection, as seen in the work of Chien-Chi Chang and Denise Stephanie.
From iconic images of major world events, to intimate moments of pleasure and delight — here is an outstanding selection of remarkable images from Magnum Photos — each with a personal story
From iconic images of major world events, to intimate moments of pleasure and delight — here is an outstanding selection of remarkable images from Magnum Photos — each with a personal story.
As the civil war in Syria drags on, inhabitants continue to flee the country in all directions—these photos tell the harrowing story of an inflatable raft filled with 49 refugees that ended up in on an uninhabited Greek island
As the civil war in Syria gets worse, day by day, the number of refugees constantly increases. Greece is the entrance point for Syrian refugees who try to reach Europe. Nowadays 80 percent of the refugees coming to Greece are from Syria.
Athens-based photographer Enri Canaj journeyed to his homeland of Albania to document the everyday happenings of the people and places of his origin. He discovered a culture rich with the past while thriving in the present, ever-dedicated to community and
Enri Canaj Shadow in Greece ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT The centre of Athens, as I first remember it, was full of life. During the period before the Olympic Games, there was great development. …
Time passes fast. The city is now fading. Some people abandon it due to the crisis. Many shops and hotels have shut down, the centre is now almost deserted. People fear they will get ripped-off, they hear that this happens all the time. They no longer feel like going out and wandering about like before. They even fear seeing all the poverty and destitution, they drug-users who will rip you off for their shot, the women prostituting themselves.