Frank Ockenfels 3 Frank has been a friend of the blog for sometime now. Our first of eight posts with him was in 2009, we’re excited for Frank’s new book, Volume 3 published by teNeues. Heidi: Why did you want to pull this body of work together? Frank: It
Frank has been a friend of the blog for sometime now. Our first of eight posts with him was in 2009, we’re excited for Frank’s new book, Volume 3 published by teNeues.
Heidi: Have you ever been hired for strictly illustration? Frank: No. I’ve been hired to journal and collage, but I’ve never been hired to draw or illustrate something. If you were offered an illustration project would you take it? I don’t know. That’s a
You look at photography now, and most photographers, which I kind of make a joke about. Jeff Dunas does this photographers breakfast once a year and it’s about 25 of us. We get together and sit around this table having breakfast at the Beverly Hills Tennis Club and discuss life. We discuss what happened in the last year and we’ll tell stories to each other. Everyone from Douglas Kirkland to Gerhard Ludwig attends, it’s a wide variety of photographers, Claxton and Marshall and Herman Leonard.
Photographs by Beckett Ockenfels Frank Ockenfels We talk with Frank Ockenfels about fatherhood, photography, and raising boys one of whom is a budding photographer. Heidi: Why do you think your older son Beckett is a good photographer? Frank: Compositi
I probably didn’t have that till I got to New York and probably my third year of college is when I finally hit it where I was like, Oh! This is something you do every day. Every single day, you wake up and you have to take pictures and to basically answer that question that’s in your head. That is the reason why you would become a photographer. Why is it that one person figures it out while another person doesn’t figure it out? There is no rhyme or reason even though there’s a passion in photography on both ends equally. At my workshops people are looking for me to for the answer, I wish I had the golden ticket. “Look at my book and tell me why I can’t get a job.” I tell them,