This week on Photojournalism Now: Friday Round Up – it’s been a busy week in journalism with the publication of TIME’s “Person of the Year – The Guardians and the War …
This week on Photojournalism Now: Friday Round Up – it’s been a busy week in journalism with the publication of TIME‘s “Person of the Year – The Guardians and the War on Truth” and World Press Photo’s Lars Boering’s article “on how to build on the #MeToo moment in photojournalism.” Both are must-read articles. Also, this week I chat with Joe Jongue from Fuji X Aus about this growing community of photography lovers.
World Press Photo, one of the oldest photo organizations in existence, is now looking to new horizons. So, what’s in store? Now that the photo ethics conversation is over, Blink’s Kyla Woods speaks with the Managing Director of World Press Photo Foundation Lars Boering about changes in the organization, the new business model and offers insight for emerging and established visual storytellers.
If World Press Photo is a reflection of the photojournalism industry, should photographers who attempted to deceive jurors be banned from the competition?
According to World Press Photo managing director Lars Boering, the organization is not currently planning to ban any photographers who submitted manipulated images to the competition. “I might discuss that with the board and the team that is organizing the competition,” he told PDN, adding that “a lot” of the disqualified photos were cases of “clumsy” Photoshop use rather than blatant attempts to deceive competition judges.