Now in its eleventh year, the Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards are an annual celebration of the photobook’s contributions to the evolving narrative of photography. The awards recognize excellence in three major categories of photobook publishing: First PhotoBook, PhotoBook of the Year, and Photography Catalog of the Year.
Congratulations to Luiz Corzo for being selected for CENTER’s Social Award recognizing his project, PASACO. The Social Awards recognize work engaged in social issues. All projects exploring social topics or themes were eligible. JUROR: Jess T. Dugan, Arti
(Guatemala City, Guatemala) On the 18th of April, 1996, my father and I were abducted from our home and held captive for thirty-three days by an organized crime group known as “Los Pasaco”. In the early 90s, “Los Pasaco” were the most feared and notorious group of criminals in the country. During this captivity, my father was physically tortured and eventually had his left ring finger amputated and sent to my grandfather to pressure him into sending more money for ransom. Eventually, my father was released on the 30th day and told to gather more ransom money in order to have me released. Three days later, I was released in the small town of Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa.