Episode 96: Devin Allen (Street Photography) – A Photojournalism Podcast for Everyone

Episode 96: Devin Allen (Street Photography) – A Photojournalism Podcast for Everyone

Not just the second amateur photographer to grace the cover of Time magazine with his photo of the Baltimore Uprising in 2015, Devin Allen has TWICE made the cover! An oustanding street photographer, Devin has also embraced painting and sculpture. Hi new multi-media exhibit “A Piece of Me Died With You” reflects on the losses

via A Photojournalism Podcast for Everyone – A Photojournalism Podcast by Photojournalists for Everyone: https://10fps.net/2024/03/05/episode-96-devin-allen-street-photography/

As a mentor he founded Through Their Eyes, a youth photography educational program that works within Baltimore city schools
