Category: News

  • Yuri Irsenovich Kim a.k.a. Kim Jong Il is dead, but where was he born?

    Yuri Irsenovich Kim a.k.a. Kim Jong Il is dead, but where was he born?



    Yuri Irsenovich Kim a.k.a. Kim Jong Il is dead, but where was he born? From the very start, Kim Jong Il’s life has been shrouded in mystery. According to official North Korean biographers, the Dear Leader was born on Mount Paektu under a double rainbow and the a… via Tomas van Houtryve | Journal:…

  • Cartel thugs go phishing in Mexico:  Fliers circulate with fake email to “denounce” Monterrey narcos

    Cartel thugs go phishing in Mexico: Fliers circulate with fake email to “denounce” Monterrey narcos



    Cartel thugs go phishing in Mexico: Fliers circulate with fake email to “denounce” Monterrey narcos In Mexico, where violence seems to be escalating daily, the nation’s National Defense Secretary today warned citizens of fake flyers distributed in narco-plagued Monterrey that invite concern… via Boing Boing: In Mexico, where violence seems to be escalating daily,…

  • Magazine Preview: The Surreal Ruins of Qaddafi’s Never-Never Land

    Magazine Preview: The Surreal Ruins of Qaddafi’s Never-Never Land

    The Surreal Ruins of Qaddafi’s Never-Never Land Among the dead and the smoldering earth, Libyans struggle to escape their country’s twisted history. Link: On the evening of Aug. 23, during the final hours of the battle for Tripoli, a 26-year-old lawyer named Mustafa Abdullah Atiri was lying, exhausted, against the back wall of a…

  • Shepard Fairey Beat Up in Copenhagen, Called 'Yankee Hipster' and 'Obama Illuminati'



    LA Weekly: Don’t worry: L.A. artist Shepard Fairey, 41, only has a “black eye and a bruised rib” after a pummeling he received in Copenhagen, Denmark last weekend.

  • The Mission to Get Osama Bin Laden : The New Yorker

    The Mission to Get Osama Bin Laden : The New Yorker

    Getting Bin Laden What happened that night in Abbottabad. via The New Yorker: Shortly after eleven o’clock on the night of May 1st, two MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters lifted off from Jalalabad Air Field, in eastern Afghanistan, and embarked on a covert mission into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden.




    As a helpful guide to the Games organizers, we have mapped out the hazards the torchbearers might encounter while running through some of the more treacherous parts of the official route. Link: THE OLYMPIC TORCH VS. GANGS OF BRITAIN – Viceland Today

  • Anti-Zombie Fortress



    Anti-Zombie Fortress is the nickname given to an abandoned coal mine in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, mainly due to its unique structural design that can be seen as highly impervious to zombie raids. While the mine shaft has become a popular destination in Japan for haiyakos (廃虚) or “urban excursion of abandoned buildings” since the mid-2000s,…

  • Flavor Flav denies chicken restaurant is in trouble : SFGate: Daily Dish

    Flavor Flav denies chicken restaurant is in trouble : SFGate: Daily Dish



    Flavor Flav denies chicken restaurant is in trouble Ethan Miller/Getty Images Rap veteran Flavor Flav has dismissed allegations his fried chicken restaurant is in financial difficulty after a number of employees claimed their paychecks had bounced. … via Daily Dish: Let me say this – being that is a new up-and-running business there was…

  • In Effort to Aid Japan, Photographers Sell Prints | Nathan Armes



    We have all seen the footage, the web galleries and YouTube videos of the tragic events unfolding in Japan. Below is an ongoing list of photographers and photojournalists selling prints to raise money for relief efforts. Link: In Effort to Aid Japan, Photographers Sell Prints | Nathan Armes

  • Government Tries to Keep Secret What Many Consider a Fraud –

    Government Tries to Keep Secret What Many Consider a Fraud –



    Hiding Details of Dubious Deal, U.S. Invokes National Security A computer programmer who said his software could prevent Al Qaeda’s next attack won $20 million in contracts, despite suspicions that his claims were a hoax. Link: For eight years, government officials turned to Dennis Montgomery, a California computer programmer, for eye-popping technology that he…

  • Afghan imams wage political battle against U.S.

    Afghan imams wage political battle against U.S.



    Afghan imams wage political battle against U.S. Link: Across town, a firebrand imam named Habibullah was even more blunt. “Let these jackals leave this country,” the preacher, who uses only one name, declared of foreign troops. “Let these brothers of monkeys, gorillas and pigs leave this country. The people of Afghanistan should determine their…

  • WikiLeaks Defector Slams Assange In Tell-All Book | Threat Level |

    WikiLeaks Defector Slams Assange In Tell-All Book | Threat Level |



    WikiLeaks Defector Slams Assange In Tell-All Book WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange lost control of his site’s submission system in an internal revolt last fall, and has never regained it, according to a tell-all book penned by the organization’s top defector, who accuses Assange of routinely exaggerating via WIRED: Last August, in the wake of…

  • An Insiders' Portrait of Joseph Kony –

    An Insiders' Portrait of Joseph Kony –



    ‘All People Are the Same to God’: An Insider’s Portrait of Joseph Kony An unearthed document provides a layered, bizarre, insight into Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army, which to many people are known more by deeds than by close-up views. via At War Blog: Among the men at large in the world…

  • Moscow clashes put authorities in a quandary

    Moscow clashes put authorities in a quandary



    Moscow clashes put authorities in a quandary Link: On Saturday, several thousand young men clashed with police at Manezh Square, just outside the Kremlin. Eighty were briefly detained, but riot police chased most of the crowd into the subway, where they rampaged through the cars threatening non-Russians. Three natives of the Caucasus were stabbed…

  • For DecorMyEyes, Bad Publicity Is a Good Thing –

    For DecorMyEyes, Bad Publicity Is a Good Thing –

    A Bully Finds a Pulpit on the Web Vitaly Borker welcomes customer complaints, saying they vault his business higher in Internet search results. Link: “What the hell am I supposed to do with these glasses?” she recalls Mr. Russo shouting. “I ordered them from France specifically for you!” “I’m going to contact my credit…

  • Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all – Boing Boing

    Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all – Boing Boing



    Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all US agencies have long defended the use of body scanning devices at airports with the promise that all images will be discarded as soon as security staff have viewed them. Last summer, the TSA claim… via Boing Boing: Now it turns out that…

  • Mexican drug lord's killing sparks roadblocks, threatening banners

    Mexican drug lord's killing sparks roadblocks, threatening banners



    Mexican drug lord’s killing sparks roadblocks, threatening banners Link: “It’s a huge relief to know that Tony Tormenta has been eliminated, His gangsters were everywhere,” said a supermarket worker in Reynosa who gave his name as Oscar. “But we’re still worried, because they’ll find another boss, and who knows what the Zetas will do?”

  • Iraq confirms bomb-sniffing devices don't work

    Iraq confirms bomb-sniffing devices don't work



    Iraq confirms that bomb-sniffing devices don’t work Link: The Iraqi Interior Ministry inspector general recently determined that wands used by police as the frontline defense in the country’s fight against bombs are worthless.

  • PDN Pulse » Fund Established for Injured Photog Joao Silva and Family



    Fund Established for Injured Photog Joao Silva and Family | PDNPulse Since  the news went out that photographer Joao Silva had been severely wounded when he stepped on a mine in Afghanistan on Saturday, colleagues have sent messages of support to Silva’s Facebook page and The New York Times, where Silva is on contract.  Ph…

  • North Korea reveals photo of Kim Jong Eun, presumed successor

    North Korea reveals photo of Kim Jong Eun, presumed successor



    North Korea releases photo, video of Kim Jong Eun, presumed successor Link: His mouth is pursed. He is wearing a black Maoist-style track suit. His hair, parted in the middle, flows up on both sides, giving his hairline the profile of an “M.” Dozens of delegates stand behind him. Two seats to the left…