A firsthand account of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine – Feature Shoot



A firsthand account of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine

Worker on AKHZ (Avdiivka Coke & Chemical Plant) seen on the roof of the coke battery, Avdiivka, Ukraine, 22nd of October, 2015 The railway bridge on Ukrainian held territory, blown…

via Feature Shoot: https://www.featureshoot.com/2016/08/firsthand-account-ongoing-conflict-ukraine/

The conflict in Ukraine comes on and off the international media spotlight, but whether there’s news about it or not, the tensions and armed fighting in the Donbas region never really cool off. Russian photographer Dmitri Beliakov’s Ukrainian Chronicles is an extensive documentation of this conflict and of the ongoing struggle that continues even after the cameras are turned off. Beliakov’s images might make you want to avert your eyes, but they are such a necessary account of how a conflict zone is more than just a news narrative, and of how terribly painful and rough war really is.