The 2019 Kiss Exhibition | LENSCRATCH

The 2019 Kiss Exhibition

In the last couple of years, I understand the importance of photographing people kissing. It’s a tonic for all the fighting and mud slinging that goes on in our world and makes us realize that there are more important things to spend our time doing…thin


On this day of professing love, I am extending my love to those who make this site what it is…the behind the scenes people like Jonas Yip and Brian Van de Wetering who solve all the glitches and Clay Lipsky who can turn around a design with record speed, the active daily promoters of the site: Val Patterson, Julia Bennett, Patty Lemke, and Paula Riff, the wonderful writers and editors: Linda Alterwitz, Daniel George, Amanda Dalgren, Megan Ross, Brennan Booker, and The States Project Editors…well, and so many more….and I don’t want to forget two people that were so critical to the site, Grant Gill and Sarah Stankey who are off at grad school making waves in the photo world. I love you and thank you and wish you the most wonderful Valentine’s Day!