Christine Back: PV Revisited – LENSCRATCH

Christine Back: PV Revisited – LENSCRATCH

This week we are looking at the work of artists who submitted projects during our most recent call-for-entries. Today, Christine Back and I discuss PV Revisited. Christine Back is a New Jersey-based photographer and educator who grew up at the Jersey Shor


I also shared the growing series of alumni  diptychs and many wished they could have gone to high school before cell phones, laptops, and social media. They settled for posing in front of my moldy, taped up Hasselblad. After the valued, yet frustrating experience of being beholden to source images, I found the freedom of shooting without those constraints immensely refreshing. I had to laugh though when most of them said they’d be back in ten years for me to shoot them again. I don’t know if I’ll be around that long, but I’ll try to hang in there until they get out of college or the army.