lila schaffler – my collections | burn magazine

lila schaffler – my collections

[slidepress gallery=’lilaschaffler_mycollections’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Lila Schaffler My Collections play this e…

via burn magazine:

It seems have been taking my camera on walks since the age of twelve.  I have collected more images than I could even begin to put a number on.  I wanted to show some of my collections in a way that made sense to how and what I see.  There was nothing easy about the edit, and still I can’t be certain that I chose the right ones…But I suppose that’s part of the beauty of it all, when you really stop an look.  Some of the images have been exhibited, some published, but I’ve never quite had the opportunity to show them as I’ve wanted to, as an essay…A collection of sorts. My collections.