• PHOTOGRAPHER’S BLOG – DAY 2 – MOE DOIRON – NPAC – News Photographers Association of Canada:

    I blame McDonald’s. In the same way marketers trick consumers into paying more for their super-sized lunch when they really don’t need the extra fries, photo agencies keep pumping more pixels through the pipe as they create packaged pricing deals. Back in the old days (OK, I’ve said it and I promise it won’t happen again) you could browse the wires in an hour, meticulously eyeing all the images of the day and making your selection with surgical precision. Today’s feed is 10 times that, hitting most days 4,000 images in a 24-hour cycle. So it’s keywords and speed browsing, praying all day that you didn’t miss the photo of Michael Ignatieff eating a banana. Such a great feeling. Everything needs to be edited. Even the stuff that you send to editors to edit needs to be edited.

    Dear Getty, thanks for the 237 awesome photos of Kim Kardashian arriving at the awards show last night, we’ll be using all of them.


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    lens culture: Les Rencontres d’Arles Photographie 2009 Preview:

    This year marks the 40th Anniversary of Les Rencontres d’Arles festival of photography, and we’re delighted to feature 94 preview images from the official festival selection. As always, it’s an eclectic mix.


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    Awful Library Books:

    Awfullibrarybooks.wordpress.com is a collection of the worst library holdings. The items featured here are so old, obsolete, awful or just plain stupid that we are horrified that people might be actually checking these items out and depending on the information.


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    lenscratch: Deborah Hamon:

    It takes a second to realize that Deborah Hamon has combined painting and photography to produce the series, Girls. The project explores the identity of girls by creating universal portraits that play between fiction and reality. “I want to capture that moment when confidence and insecurity, whimsy and seriousness, innocence and knowledge can all exist.”


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    Roger Ballen – Boarding House « The PhotoBook:

    For most of the photobooks I review, they usually are stand alone books, but I feel that Roger Ballen’s recent book Boarding House needs to be placed into a larger perspective.  Specificly to the content of his two previous books, Shadow Chamber, published in 2005 and Outland, published in 2001, both by Phaidon Press. Otherwise, it feels like I have walked into the middle of an fascinating and entertaining discussion, but I am left at a loss of what the topic is.


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    Dateline: Iraq – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:

    Moises Saman does not need a timetable to know that things have changed in Iraq — however tenuously — since his last rotation there a year ago as a photographer for The New York Times. “You hear music on the street sometimes,” he said Monday in a telephone interview from Baghdad. He’s also noticed that people linger outdoors at night. (Indeed, the music from the park opposite The Times’s bureau was so loud last night that it was hard to hear Mr. Saman sometimes.) “I think there’s more life on the street,” he said. “Without painting too rosy a picture, there’s a definite sense that life is moving.”


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    William Hundley, Austin – Feature Shoot:

    William Hundley was born in St. Paul Minnesota and studied at Southwest Texas State University. He has been part of numerous group and solo exhibitions, including 2006’s Outside In at Okay Mountain and the Predator/Prey show at Halcyon. He lives and works in Austin, Texas


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    Quick Olympus E-P1 Hands On – James Duncan Davidson:

    Earlier today, I got a chance to have a photographers lunch with Derrick Story and Pinar Ozger. We talked about all sorts of things: the economy, jobs, and other creative endeavors. But you probably don’t want to hear about that. No. You probably already know that Derrick has had his mitts on a review sample of the Olympus E-P1 Digital PEN and you want to hear about the camera already. Since I did indeed get to play with the camera for a bit, I can certainly oblige.


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    Redbook Reporter Refuses To Disclose Source Of Recipe – America’s Finest News Source:

    Steuber, two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for recipe reporting in 1996 and 2001, said that to divulge her source would jeopardize her First Amendment rights, as well as relationships with high-level recipe sources she has worked for years to develop.


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    ASMP Launches New Web Site:

    New look, new navigation and new resources!


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    Maintain your creativity, part B: Ten possibilities, plus one. « Perfesser Kev:

    Long-term creative juice comes from longer-term work at it. It also comes from finding joy with what you’re doing. Here are a few ideas on how to get those things moving.


  • PDNPulse: Arrested Subway Photographer Files Lawsuit:

    Robert Taylor, the transit employee and subway photography buff who was arrested earlier this year for taking a picture a New York City subway train, is suing the city over the incident.


  • A Day in the Life of 3G – PC World:

    During March and April, we spent a day testing the major 3G services in 13 cities across the United States. Verizon’s service showed a combination of speed and reliability, Sprint’s results lent credence to its ‘most dependable’ claim, and AT&T’s network showed fast upload speeds in most cities.


  • whats the jackanory ? – inside the photographers_studio #6:

    It is with huge excitement today that we premiere the latest installment of the hugely popular series Inside the Photographers_Studio/House/Office whatever. This time we were fortunate to be granted access to the inner sanctum of one Mr Phillip Toledano Esq. I have been a massive fan of Mr Toledano’s for like forever and although I had only met him socially once previously he was incredibly warm and welcoming when I arrived with the film crew.


  • OK! Paid $500,000 For Michael Jackson Death Photo – PDN:

    Sarah Ivens, OK!’s editorial director, said she thought the photo of the dying Jackson would differentiate the title from the rash of tribute-style covers that have begun hitting newsstands this week.


  • Lynsey Addario, Ziyah Gafić, and Seamus Murphy have been invited to join VII Network.

    Here’s a PDF press release: VII PHOTO


  • Interview with James Estrin of the NY Times | 100 Eyes:

    James Estrin is a New York Times photographer and one of the editors of a new on-line feature called Lens, a blog dedictated to photography. 100eyes was recently spotlighted on Lens and I thought it would be interesting to learn more about the new site and get some added insight into photography at the New York Times.


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    Photo Stirs Speculation on North Korean Leader – NYTimes.com:

    On June 14, the state-run Central TV showed what it said was a still photo of Mr. Kim posing with a group of soldiers indoors during a visit to a military unit. The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper, said Tuesday that it looked remarkably similar to a photo the North Korean government had said was taken April 25.


  • Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker:

    Anderson is very good at paragraphs like this—with its reassuring arc from “bloodbath” to “salvation.” His advice is pithy, his tone uncompromising, and his subject matter perfectly timed for a moment when old-line content providers are desperate for answers. That said, it is not entirely clear what distinction is being marked between “paying people to get other people to write” and paying people to write. If you can afford to pay someone to get other people to write, why can’t you pay people to write? It would be nice to know, as well, just how a business goes about reorganizing itself around getting people to work for “non-monetary rewards.” Does he mean that the New York Times should be staffed by volunteers, like Meals on Wheels?

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  • PDN: The Five Biggest Photographers on the Internet:

    For our highly subjective list of the five biggest photographers on the Internet, PDN focused on the ones who dominate each of five popular platforms: blogging, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. For this exercise, we considered only photographers who are primarily known for their online work. We also avoided those who are best known for writing gear reviews.
