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    dispatches says:

    These photographs were taken in October 2008 and were printed in Gary Knight’s hire car on a Canon Selphy printer on blank postcards and mailed from Youngstown


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    James Estrin, Lens Blog says:

    After the explosion, with very little cover, Tyler Hicks ran with Specialist Soto downriver to a creek bed. Five minutes later, they made a run for safety and attempted to ford the river as gunfire rang around them. Mr. Hicks’s armored jacket, helmet and camera equipment together weighed over 40 pounds

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    Cole Thompson says:

    I had not intended to photograph during my tour of the camps but
    after being there a few minutes, I felt compelled. With every step
    I wondered about the people whose feet had walked in exactly the same
    footsteps. I wondered if their spirits still lingered there today.
    And so I photographed ghosts.


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    grain edit


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    All Eyes | Reporting with a camera


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    A Picture’s Worth says:

    You probably don’t add images to your portfolio everyday. You probably don’t shoot a wedding every day. And you probably don’t add stock images to your archive every day. In that respect, the “main” part of a photographer website can be fairly static.

    Blogs, on the other hand, are a great way to talk about the photos you take, the projects you’re working on, the photo workshops you’re attending (or running), etc. I fret when people conceive of blogs as an online journal because I’ve always believed that the real benefit of a blog is as an SEO machine.


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    Boing Boing says:

    There’s a great show at the SFMOMA now, showing all 84 prints from Robert Frank’s classic mid-1950s photo book The Americans, along with some outtakes, such as the image shown above—which is not in the book.


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    lenscratch says:

    It was great to put a face to a body of work, and meeting Suzanne Revy at Photolucida was indeed a pleasure. Her series, Small Wonders has been celebrated as a Critical Mass finalist


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    Wired.com says:

    “We’ve evolved for 5 billion years just to do what we needed to do to be alive … and we can see 30 to 50 things a second,” said Jeff Lieberman, co-host of Time Warp. “With high-speed cameras we can see a million things a second, and we’re looking at everyday things and seeing an entire world that exists underneath.”


  • Daily Dish says:

    It became clear the movie (“Antichrist”) was not being received well when audience members started laughing during bizarre scenes featuring a talking fox and sexual mutilation.


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    MediaStorm says:

    Life in Iowa can be punishing. Many Iowans expend their lives sweating over soil and spilling the blood of livestock; they endure the hardships associated with a life inextricably bound to the ups and downs of nature. Today, those challenges and a shift in our nation’s economy have pushed the youth of rural communities to migrate to the metropolises of America. Those left in the wake of this out-migration continue their lives, seemingly unchanged from the generations that preceded them, and entombed in obscurity.

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  • PDNPulse says:
    Check out this unusual editors’ note published by The New York Times on Friday


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    Horses Think says:

    Like most photographers living in New York, I definitely made a point of checking out what the New York Photo Festival had to offer this year. I attended the exhibits and sat through a couple of artist talks and a panel discussion. The festival this year was larger and seemed to have a lot more going on, which is not necessarily a good thing.

    Although there were highlights and events certainly worth talking about, I have to say that in the end I was kind of disappointed.


  • State of the Art says:

    it was even worse this year


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    America’s Finest News Source says:

    While she likes her Pontiac’s smooth handling, Cullen is absolutely gaga for the neatly designed driver-side pop-out cup holder, which is a perfect place to store her Mace. She also loves the double sun visors, which help shield the family from the glare of sunrise and make a “pretty workable” place to hang clothes to dry.

    Ironically, given the wagon’s smooth handling, power steering, and antilock brakes, Cullen spends more time in “park” than she does in “drive.”


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    Conscientious says:

    This year’s New York Photo Festival was the second of its kind, after a maybe slightly messy, certainly not perfect, but clearly extremely promising start last year.

    From what I gathered before coming to New York, expectation certainly were higher than last year. From what I gathered while being in New York, there was a clear and across-the-board sense of disappointment.


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    Lens Blog – NYTimes.com says:

    On Friday, from the American Hospital in Istanbul, Lynsey Addario sent the following message to Michele McNally, an assistant managing editor.

    Hi just got to turkey and am in american hosp here. What a gigantic difference from pakistan! Its like I’ve spent the last five days in a cave! They have me strapped up in this figure 8 sling, trying to pull my bones apart. Doctors now are discussing surgery. Collar bones banging into each other and it is sooooooooo painful.

    The Times is gathering a fund to give to the six children of the driver, Raza Khan, for whom he was the sole provider.

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    burn magazine says:

    With my photographs I create fictional scenarios with real people and situations.

    I try to explore the limits of documentary photography, using technical processes to transform the natural perception of light, colors and spaces.


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    Feature Shoot says:

    For several years now, photographer Floriane de Lassée has been building Night Views, a series in which vast cityscapes and the intimate lives of the people who inhabit them are brought together in a provocative fusion


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    RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog says:

    Daniel Beltra has turned his passion for nature and his frequent work for Greenpeace into an award-winning career, including World Press Photo, Pictures of the Year International, National Press Photographers Association, and Lucies awards — he calls his recent success “a snowball.” We couldn’t help but ask what got the snowball rolling in the first place.
