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    Every city has its own gang history, part of Chicago’s are Gang cards, most prominent in the 70’s and early 80’s, back in the day when a gang was more of a neighborhood crew then what it is today.  Fists, bats, and bottles days, before guns became the norm in the gang.  Most of the gangs were just about the neighborhood and hanging out together.  Stock art from the printer as well as some hand drawn illustrations were the back bone of many of the cards.  Some cards are pretty humorous, with some off the wall illustrations, logos, sayings, and rhymes.  They don’t make them like they used to…

    via BoingBoing.

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    PDNPulse says:

    Dutch photojournalist Hubert Van Es, best known for a photo of a rooftop helicopter evacuation during the fall of Saigon in 1975, died Friday morning in Hong Kong.


  • A Photo Editor says:

    Photographer Jonathan Saunders found out like most people (I know we’ve covered this ground before) that Blurb Books are completely hit-or-miss in the quality of the final product.


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    Feature Shoot says:

    Kevin Tachman is an award-winning photographer with a visual style that embraces both the glamour and grit of his surroundings


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  • Via plus1mag

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    Susan Wides says:

    My photographs explore what I see and what it sparks in me– the way the physical phenomena of the world are experienced by the senses and imagination. Intuitive insights, states of awareness, and visual thinking – manifestations that exist only in fleeting perception are at the center of my work.


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    Chase Jarvist says:

    Just stumbled on this: a really cool project pulled together by Arthouse co-op in Atlanta… You send them $18 and they send you a disposable camera with 24 shots to document your life this summer.


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    Gadget Lab | Wired.com says:

    Sofortbild is the second cheap alternative to a Nikon product we have seen this week.


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    Gadget Lab | Wired.com says:

    You have to admire Vivitar. The company has the cojones to sell an all-manual, 35mm film camera in a world where film is pretty much dead, at least as a mass-market product.

    I got a mail from the Vivitar PR people earlier this week asking me to take a look the V3800N


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    Gadget Lab | Wired.com says:

    Laugh all you like but, when combined with the infamous focussing problems, the top-end EOS is starting to look less and less attractive.

    Fake Chuck Westfall is even less charitable about the latest Canon debacle:

    At least be happy about the fact that we are finally acknowledging the problem and are offering to fix it for you, and this, ofcourse, after waiting for two years now while many users have been complaining about this on forums everywhere. At least two years is a lot faster than waiting 3 years to release a service notice for the 5D mirror falling off, right?


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    Matthew Williams says:

    In the event you’re stopped by overzealous law enforcement or security officials attempting to enforce fictitious laws, I’ve designed these fictitious and official-looking Photographer’s Licenses.

    Via BoingBoing

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    NYTimes.com says:

    Five years after Richard Avedon’s death at 81 the International Center of Photography is setting the record straight. Avedon was indeed a great artist, and his fashion photographs are his greatest work.


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    Stuart Franklin says:

    It was odd: at the beginning, the Tiananmen Square demonstrations had an upbeat, almost rock festival feel. But then as the army moved in, it turned ugly. So the following morning, I was on the balcony in my hotel room on Chang’an Avenue in Beijing, about 150 metres from Tiananmen Square. I couldn’t leave the hotel, as Chinese security had occupied the lobby. It was a bit frustrating: having grown up with the Magnum ethos that if a picture isn’t good enough, you’re not close enough, I found myself looking on with quite a long lens.


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    photo-eye says:

    Having had the pleasure of sitting down with a big box or two or three of Tom’s prints, having seen an exhibition of prints on the walls of the Howard Greenberg Gallery two years ago, as a fellow craftsman, I tip my hat. His prints, to borrow Bill Arnold’s stolen line, “sing.” If Edward Weston’s prints sang like some great tenor, Tom Arndt’s prints sing like Nat King Cole. The reproductions in this book are excellent, do fair justice to the pictures, but lack the subtlety of the originals.


  • Via Tom Leininger

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    Josh Ritchie says:

    i spent 5 hours with melissa lyttle exploring the waters of the national marine sanctuary and making images for my fluidity project.


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    brent foster at burn magazine says:

    I consider it hell on earth, literally. The smell, the smoke, the heat, the conditions. No human should have to live here, work here, grow up here, exist here, yet thousands do.

    The Jharia coal mines have been on fire in Jharkhand, India for almost 100 years


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    PDNPulse says:

    Our second video report from the New York Photo Festival (going on right now in Brooklyn) concerns “All over the place!”, the show curated by William A. Ewing. Ewing is the director of the Musée de l’Elysée, a photography museum in Lausanne, Switzerland.

    Ewing’s show examines historical works of three photographers (Edward Steichen, Jacob Holdt and Robert Walker
