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    State of the Art says:

    The Summer 09 issue of Acne Paper—a gorgeous, cultural journal published by Acne, an innovative Swedish collective—includes a wealth of stunning images from some major photography heavy-weights.


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    First Person America says:

    A national competition seeking the best videos, photographs, and stories describing how individuals, families and communities are managing during these hard times.


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    alittletoofast.com says:

    He did not disappoint. Jimmy Koh and his wife (who’s name I didn’t get) are possibly the coolest camera shop owners in the world. Jim and Chris at Pro Photo Supply in Portland, I’m sorry, to the crazy Orthodox guy at B&H who always scolds me for not going to Shabbat services, YOU SO LOSE. You might be fun to tell stories about but Jimmy Koh is the bomb.
    This guy LOVES CAMERAS. He loves Rolleiflexes, he loves Leica’s. He has an AMAZING collection of these cameras. So good that you have got to take the LIRR out to Bellmore and get your ass over to his shop to check it out.


  • Andrew Hetherington says:

    After the chaos that was opening night NYPH’08 opening night NYPH’09 was an extremely well put together and enjoyable affair. Not to say that I didn’t have lots of fun last year amongst the madness but it looks like they really have their shit together on the organizational front which can only bode well for the days ahead.


  • PhotoShelter says:

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique that helps your website rank higher in searches on Google and the other major search engines. But what searches are you aspiring to rank higher for in the first place? What’s the practical application?


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    washingtonpost.com says:

    In one sentence on its state news service, North Korea said its central court has “decided to try the American journalists on June 4 according to the indictment of the competent organ.”


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    lenscratch says:

    Brooklyn photographer, Matthew Baum, graduated from Brown and later studied architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. Matthew also earned an MFA from the School of Visual Arts, and was awarded Chairman’s Honors and the Paula Rhodes Memorial Award. He teaches at the School of Visual Arts, Hunter College and New York University.


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    State of the Art says:

    Linsey Addario, whose pictures have appeared regularly in the New York Times in recent years, was injured in a car wreck in Pakistan on Saturday. According to Times Assistant Managing Editor Michelle McNally, Addario was returning to Islamabad after visiting efugee camps.


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    PDNPulse says:

    Stephen Mallon agreed to erase the U.S. Airways logos from the pictures as a condition of publishing them.


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    Interview with photographer Boogie in this issue.


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    NPAC – News Photographers Association of Canada says:

    “There’s a time and a place for everything… and it’s college.”

    Listen up, students. This post is all for you.

    Photojournalism is still quite new for me, but I have already learned some key lessons along the way. I’d like to share a bit of that insight now.


  • dvafoto says:

    Huffington Post has put another nail in the coffin of the notion of a paying career in journalism. Now, instead of just contributing to the site for free (where does that $20+ million in seed money go?), would-be Huffington Post writers can pay for the chance to be an intern at the site.


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    Kitsune Noir says:

    Gregory Crewdson is a New York photographer who takes these amazingly surreal, production-heavy photos that evoke this really surreal and almost creepy feeling to them. The way he lights is photos is crazy, almost like a movie would be set up.

    Check under the cut for a video of him talking about his process as well as a behind the scenes of a shoot he did.

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    Chip says:

    I know that keeping a molding, crumbling building as is really isn’t possible, so that’s whay I photograph these places in their current state – sort of an architectural purgatory.


  • The Spinning Head says:

    Raza was my rock.  He was my eyes and ears on the dangerous Pakistani frontier with Afghanistan. He was the only person in Pakistan I trusted with my life and I repeatedly placed it in his hands. He never ever let me down.

    He was officially a fixer, but Raza Khan was far, far more than that.


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    washingtonpost.com says:

    In announcing the shift today, the White House said in a statement that Obama “strongly believes that the release of these photos, particularly at this time, would only serve the purpose of inflaming the theaters of war, jeopardizing US forces, and making our job more difficult in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.”


  • Moose says:

    The #8 email I receive is, “How do you pack your camera bag?” Well, here you go, this is how I do it.

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    Verve, The New Breed of Documentary Photographers says:

    Audrey Bardou (b.1975, France) lives and works in the south of France. Audrey’s approach in photographing other people’s lives, is to explore both the intimate and the personal.
