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    From Sports Shooter:

    USA TODAY used Live Ingest to make their tethered transmissions at the Final Four faster and easier.

    Check it out here.


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    From Sports Shooter:

    When I heard the Sports Shooter Academy VI was tuition free for students thanks to a grant from Nikon, I could hear the voice of my mentor and former photography/video editor at Democrat & Chronicle, Christina Dicken. She once told me, “James, I want you to shoot sports the way you shoot everything else.” Her sincere and constructively critical internship review had a resounding influence on my career and made me realize that a free SSA VI in my home county was something I could not pass up.

    Check it out here.


  • From Sports Shooter:

    I would be the first person to tell you I did not shoot well during Sports Shooter Academy VI. I tried new things and it was…disastrous. But that is what’s great about the Sports Shooter Academies, being able to learn through trial and error. I would tell the faculty and assistants I didn’t feel like I shot well and they would respond, “Yes, but did you learn something?”

    Check it out here.


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    From Sports Shooter:

    Jared Wickerham and Hannah Foslien were selected as the top winners at the recent Sports Shooter Academy workshop held April 8 – 12, 2009 in Southern California.

    Check it out here.


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    From 100 Eyes:

    Around the time Elijah turn 5 we started making photographs together. I’d kind of initiate it with some direction, he’d do something that seemed unexpected…something I’d never have been able to think of…we’d look at the images together on the digital camera and try to refine them…try to improve them, try to take them in other directions.

    Check it out here.


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    From dvafoto:

    “Bottom line I don’t think I could have done ‘The Girl in the Window’ without Melissa.”

    Check it out here.


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    From Crunchgear:

    Redrock Micro, purveyors of fine rail-and-grip-based camera products, has released a new line of gear at NAB 2009. It’s aimed at users of these newfangled DSLRs that shoot HD video

    Check it out here.

    Via Zach Wise.


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    From True/Slant:

    At a time when the newspaper I love needs every reader it can possibly hold onto, no story is more timely than that of a man covering the recession and telling people how to survive it. Yesterday, I became a casualty, but as much as I’m licking my wounds, I feel more sad for the readers who grew to love my blog “The Recession Diaries” as a resource, then had it taken away from them without any explanation whatsoever. That I am part of the news makes this all the more awkward, but as one deadline ends, another begins.

    This is the blog the Chicago Tribune does not want you to read. See it for yourself and ask, as I would, “Well, why the fudge not?”

    Check it out here.

    via PDNPulse.


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    Check it out here.


  • From washingtonpost.com:

    Pakistani media reported that the Taliban have forcibly overrun Buner in the past several days, while many state judges and officials have abandoned their posts. The black-turbaned fighters have occupied a popular shrine and turned it into a radio station for extremist broadcasts. Public markets are reported to be deserted except for Taliban troops, shown on TV news channels wearing masks and wielding assault rifles.

    Check it out here.


  • Some of my faves:

    Ellei Johndro .


    From LA Weekly:

    Her Web site and moniker have become synonymous with the sloshed and sweaty shenanigans of L.A.’s cool kids and the underground ragers they frequent, but Shadowscene’s Ellei Johndro is far from just another “club photographer.” Unlike some novice shutterbugs who hopped the snapwagon when lens-toting characters such as the Cobrasnake started getting attention for their Web sites, Johndro’s had a passion for photography, editing and storytelling of all forms (creative writing was her major in college) since she was a teen growing up in Boston.

    She started Shadowscene.com while still in Boston back in 2002, its original incarnation more of a personal showcase for her stark and, yes, “shadowy” cityscapes (lots of “streets and alleys,” she recalls). It wasn’t until she moved to Los Angeles seven years ago that the subject matter turned to after-dark hell-raising and earned serious hipster approval.

    Jerry Stahl .


    From LA Weekly:

    Armed with his fourth novel since his breakthrough book, the memoir Permanent Midnight, Jerry Stahl has, in his own inimitable fashion, done a drive-by.

    Pain Killers continues the adventures of Manny Rupert, the hapless, hopelessly romantic (in his own damaged way) cop-cum-detective we got to know and love in Plain Clothes Naked. This time a septuagenarian, Jewish millionaire named Harry Zell, who wields his walker like a shillelagh, enlists Manny to go undercover as a drug counselor at San Quentin. Rupert’s mission it to determine if a certain peroxide-blond, 97-year-old inmate is in fact none other than the Nazi Angel of Death, Dr. Joseph Mengele. As if that isn’t nettlesome enough for the illicit substance–susceptible sleuth, his first night on campus reveals his ex-wife and love of his life (who offed her first husband in Plain Clothes Naked by serving him a bowl of Drano-and-glass-laced Lucky Charms) has taken up with the leader of the prison’s Aryan gang … who happens to be Jewish.

    Jesse Thorn .


    From LA Weekly:

    It’s odd, Jesse Thorn knows, for small children to adore public radio. “But it’s what my parents always had on in the car,” Thorn says. “I’ve been hearing Terry Gross my whole life.” All that listening time has given Thorn an uncanny ability to parse, in detail, the style and quirks of every interviewer to have appeared on NPR, nationally and locally, over, say, the past two decades. So it’s perhaps not surprising to learn that at 27, Thorn has already spent eight years with his own show, called the Sound of Young America, which he describes on his Web site — maximumfun.org — as something like Conan O’Brien on public radio, or Fresh Air, but more fun.”

    Gary Leonard .


    From LA Weekly:

    On a gray March morning, photographer Gary Leonard stands in the center of his gallery, a small room dimmed by overcast skies, sunlight feathering through the gaps between high-rises on Broadway Avenue. Leonard has a cold, but he’s agreed to meet with us, anyway, at his new gallery, Take My Picture, named after his recently retired CityBeat column. Later on, Leonard will sit behind a table laid with a collection of his black-and-white photographs, smiling only when asked, while the L.A. Weekly takes his portrait.

    Lucian Piane .


    From LA Weekly:

    When audio of Christian Bale’s tirade on the Terminator Salvation set surfaced, the actor unwittingly joined a select fraternity with Barbra Streisand and Bill O’Reilly: celebrities whose rants have been transformed into viral-dance remixes by RevoLucian. Almost as soon as Bale’s hissy fit went public, the Web picked up on RevoLucian deft a mash-up of Bale’s best quotes set to a synth-heavy beat. “Bale Out” turned “What don’t you fuckin’ understand?” into one of the year’s most addictive choruses and spun a little art out of the debacle. Considering how widely the song was heard, it’s almost surprising that nobody at the Newsroom Café recognizes songwriter and producer Lucian Piane, 28. RevoLucian is a pseudonym for what he calls “my remixes, my crazy things.”

    Check out the entire list here.

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    Check it out here.


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    From Boing Boing:

    Bookarmy.com is a London-based start-up aiming to be the last.fm of books — and we’re gathering steam on our mission to link every book and every author on earth.

    Check it out here.


  • From RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog:

    During my career I have been accused of being cocky, self assured, and overly confident.  To which I respond; yes I am, I’m a photographer.

    Check it out here.


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    From lens culture:

    Tillim spoke with me at length about his work and philosophy when we first met in Paris in November 2008. You can listen to an 18-minute edited audio recording of that conversation here.

    Check it out here.

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    From lens culture:

    It’s six in the morning and in this month of February I’m crossing a border on foot for the first time! It gives me a real sense of adventure. I leave Taba in a crowded taxi, radio cassette playing in the background, and let myself be carried away, totally alert, toward the unknown.

    Check it out here.

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  • via BoingBoing.


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    From Feature Shoot:

    Mike Brodie is a self-trained photographer from Pensacola, Florida, better known by the alter-ego, The Polaroid Kidd. At the age of eighteen, Brodie traveled the railroads of America, pending three years photographing the people he encountered along the way with his trusty Polaroid SX-70.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From giantbomb.com:

    Can you put 25th Anniversary artwork on your game’s title screen if it’s 26 years old? This is the bold statement that Lode Runner on Xbox Live Arcade asks us to consider. This classic franchise that got its start in 1983 on machines like the Apple II and Atari 400/800 doesn’t really get as much respect as it probably deserves.

    Check it out here.
