• From Reporter, VA clash over patient interview – CNN.com:

    The “cops” demanded that he turn over his tape, Schultz said. The public affairs officer, angered when another veteran offered Schultz his phone number, demanded that Schultz hand over all his equipment or “I’m going to get ugly,” he said.

    Check it out here.


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    From Novelties – On the Lookout, With a Digital Security Camera – NYTimes.com:

    The camera, the Digital Window D7, uses five 1.3 megapixel sensors just like the ones in camera phones, each aimed at its slice of the total view. Ingenious programs and a controller chip synchronize the five images as they are received, stitching them simultaneously into a panoramic stream that transmits at 15 frames a second.

    Check it out here.

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    Check it out here.


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    From Eric Gregory Powell, Beijing, China:

    Raised in Pittsburgh, Eric Gregory Powell completed a BFA in Photojournalism from The Corcoran College of Art, Washington DC, attending the Eddie Adams Workshop during his senior year. Whilst in Washington, he worked in the famous Adamson Editions print studio on projects for Adam Fuss, Chuck Close, Inez van Lamsweerde, Annie Leibovitz, Jack Pierson, Roni Horn, Jenny Holzer, Bruce Weber, and William Christenberry. He was subsequently an assistant to Contact Press Images’ David Burnett during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and has since remained in China.

    Check it out here.


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    From SFGate: Daily Dish : Woody Harrelson likens paparazzo to zombie:

    Harrelson says he was “still very much in character” when he was met by the photographer, who, he adds, he mistook for a zombie.

    Check it out here.


  • From Obituary: Peter Goldfield | The Guardian:

    Peter Goldfield, who has died of heart failure aged 63, was the godfather of independent photography in Britain, where he and his great friend Paul Hill started the idea of photography workshops.

    Check it out here.


  • From THE ZEN OF FILM vs. DIGITAL GRATIFICATION « doug menuez 2.0: go fast, don’t crash:

    “Mulling it over, I couldn’t articulate it fully but definitely, I knew I had become lazy, really lazy. A spectacular sloth by the standards of shooting film. Film is hard. Film is a stone cold unforgiving killing bastard. Film is once in a lifetime, no excuses. F8 and really, really be there: ready, steady, in focus, correct exposure, and pressing the shutter in synch with life.”

    Check it out here.

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    From About Those New CrunchPad Pictures:

    The goal – a very thin and light touch screen computer, sans physical keyboard, that has no hard drive and boots directly to a browser to surf the web. The operating system exists solely to handle the hardware drivers and run the browser and associated applications. That’s it.

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


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    From Gay Weddings: Growing Opportunity?:

    To a growing number of wedding photographers, same‑sex weddings are a matter of good politics. And good business.

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


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    From DOUBLE CROSS: Pat Longrie part II:

    The Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, MDC and the Zero Boys played a show at “Old Town” in Westminster, California in 1983…the most powerful, electric, eclectic bill I ever saw. Old Town was where the Oktoberfest festival occurred each year so it was, to say the least, an odd partnership to begin with. The Zero Boys from Indiana were smoking. I had never heard of them before but they ripped. MDC was fantastic. Minor Threat was it.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


  • From Street photography and the law :: Photocritic photography blog:

    The law can essentially be summed up like this:
    1. You can take a picture of anything you see – especially when you are in public.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From the Telegraph:

    Steve Back, the photographer who took the picture of Bob Quick’s briefing note on the terror raids in the north west of England, has embarrassed the Government before.

    Check it out here.


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    From lens culture: Obama’s People by Nadav Kander:

    Shortly after the 2008 election of Barack Obama — but prior to his inauguration — The New York Times Magazine commissioned a series of 52 portraits of the advisers, aides, cabinet secretaries-designate, and other key people who were being assembled to become members of Obama’s incoming administration. UK-based photographer Nadav Kander was chosen for this daunting project.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From dispatches: Sound control for 5D video–almost here:

    BeachTek is happy to announce their new DXA-5D XLR adapter that has been highly anticipated for the Canon 5D Mark II camera.

    Check it out here.


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    From The Doctor is In – A Photography Blog.:

    The rapatronic camera is a high-speed camera capable of recording a still image with an exposure time as brief as 10 nanoseconds (billionths of a second).

    Check it out here.
