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    From Cameras With Time-Machine Powers – Pogue’s Posts Blog – NYTimes.com:

    You can snap a still while filming video, and you can also change slow-mo speeds while filming, flipping between 30 and 210 frames per second with the touch of a button. Very, very cool.

    Check it out here.


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    From The dark side of Dubai – The Independent:

    Dubai was meant to be a Middle-Eastern Shangri-La, a glittering monument to Arab enterprise and western capitalism. But as hard times arrive in the city state that rose from the desert sands, an uglier story is emerging. Johann Hari reports

    Check it out here.


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    From Is Your Web Designer Full of Crap? – A Picture’s Worth:

    Your website design isn’t just for people who visit it. The fundamental construction of the website can help attract visitors even if they don’t know who you are.

    Check it out here.


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    From Early Bird Workshop Kicks Off At SSA VI:

    “You folks (sports photographers) out of any workshop I go to, should understand this. It’s competition. If I was talking to studio portrait photographers, they wouldn’t know what I was talking about. You gotta beat them,” speaker Dave Black said, referring to capturing better action and trying innovative techniques to create images that other people don’t have.

    Check it out here.


  • From Boston Globe Surprised by Size of Demand for Cuts – NYTimes.com:

    “Now, nobody thinks that if we make these concessions, there won’t be more cuts in a few months,” he said.

    Check it out here.


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    From Los Angeles Film+TV – Boxing, Sex and Madness: Mike Tyson, James Toback and the Ties That Bind – page 1:

    For 90 uninterrupted minutes, there is only one talking head in Tyson, and it is one that speaks with startling alacrity and candor about the humiliating taunts he suffered as a chunky, high-voiced mama’s boy; the petty criminality that earned him street respect and, ultimately, time served in a youth correctional facility; the confidence and sense of purpose he gained from boxing; the sharply honed physical and psychological manipulation he deployed in the ring; the qualities he seeks in a woman; his inability to manage money. Above all, Tyson speaks of the consuming desire to truly know thyself.

    Check it out here.

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    From Los Angeles Music – Anvil! The Story of Anvil: A Canadian Metal Band’s Great Feature-Length Doc – page 1:

    A funny documentary has endlessly quotable lines. An even funnier documentary has endlessly quotable lines delivered in a Canadian accent. Sacha Gervasi’s Anvil! The Story of Anvil, a chronicle of the forgotten Maple Leaf metalers and their last-ditch effort for commercial and creative success, has given the band its second wind twice: first, as a sleeper hit that made the film-festival rounds, including Sundance, last year, and now as a nationwide release. So don’t feel too bad if you don’t know much aboot Anvil just yet.

    Check it out here.

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  • From Searching for Sonny — First Feature Shot on DSLR | Gadget Lab from Wired.com:

    The team used a Canon 5D MkII for the shoot, although oddly paired with Nikon lenses — the director of photography Jeffrey Waldron has a collection of old manual glass and it was cheaper to just grab a converter than load up with new Canon optics. It also meant that the apertures could be controlled. Apparently, when the 5DMkII is is shooting video in Live View mode, the aperture goes auto, meaning no control of depth of field.

    Check it out here.


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    From Sol Trek: The Search for Whales at THE WILD WEIRD WORLD OF SPORTS:

    My favorite Star Trek movie is IV: The Voyage Home. And I thought about it all the time while searching for sumo in Tokyo.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From Josh Poehlein (Conscientious):

    It seems like I’m finally seeing some of those visual remixes that I have been asking for for so long: Josh Poehlein’s Modern History.

    Check it out here.


  • From Iran Charges Imprisoned American Journalist With Spying – washingtonpost.com:

    Roxana Saberi, an American freelance journalist who has been in Iranian custody since January, has been charged with spying

    Check it out here.


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    From Professional Photography of the Caribbean and United States. Instant print purchase and licensing. | Kathryn Wagner Photography:

    Kathryn Wagner is a fine art photographer from Charlottesville Virginia specializing in travel editorial and fine art landscape imaging in the United States of America and the Caribbean.

    Check it out here.


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    From Luo Yang, Shenyang, China:

    Luo Yang is a photographer and graphic designer from Shenyang, China.

    Check it out here.


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    From The L’Aquila earthquake – The Big Picture – Boston.com:

    Early Monday morning, central Italy was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake. The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake caused serious damage to several medieval hill towns in the region, killing over 260 residents, injuring over 1,000 and leaving 28,000 homeless.

    Check it out here.


  • From Josh Spear, Trendspotting .

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    By offering cost-effective, yet highly professional pre-designed websites, liveBooks is helping photojournalists garner additional exposure for their creative visions. liveBooks Photojournalism users can choose a website look and feel that best fits their style by selecting from 78 variations of page designs created by the same liveBooks creative team that has been developing award-winning, customized sites since 2004.
    Every pre-designed liveBooks site offers the same benefits of the company’s custom-built sites, including:

    • An intuitive, drag-and-drop interface for users to easily update the content of their sites
    • Easy upload of multimedia including videos, music, slideshows and more
    • Advanced search marketing tools to turn each site into a virtually effortless, yet sophisticated and powerful marketing tool
    • Free web support from liveBooks

    Check it out here.

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    From Duplex Planet:

    In 1979 I took a job as activities director at a nursing home in Boston. I had just completed a degree in fine arts as a painter. On the day that I first met the residents of the nursing home, I abandoned painting. That is to say, I discarded the brushes and canvas, not the underlying desire to see something in the world around me and then communicate it to others. In this unexpected setting I found my medium. I wanted others to know these people as I did.

    Check it out here.

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  • From Press Allowed To Cover Return of Dead Soldiers | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source:

    For the first time in nearly 20 years, the media was permitted to witness a casket containing the body of a dead soldier arrive on U.S. soil. What do you think?

    Check it out here.


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    From It Ain’t Funny Business, but… | PixelatedImage Blog:

    I can juggle flaming torches on a 6ft unicycle; my mother bought me my first unicycle for Christmas. The next year she bought me a straitjacket. Christmas around our place was a little weird for a few years there. I think they’re all pretty relieved to be buying me camera gear again. And while I doubt I’ll ever be called on to juggle or do a 2-hour stage show again, my diversion into show-biz, specifically comedy, taught me much that’s transferable. Here’s a few things professional comedy taught me about being a vocational photographer.

    Check it out here.
