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    Now flash-forward to the late 1990s, New York City. I had become friends with the then 91 year old Theodore Gottlieb, better-known as the infamous dark comedian Brother Theodore, a big influence on Eric Bogosian, Lydia Lunch and Spaulding Gray, who had been performing his totally insane one-man show at the tiny 13th Street Theater for ages and was a frequent guest on David Letterman’s show during the 1980s. No exaggeration to say that Theodore had been around forever. He was delivering lines like “The only thing that keeps me alive is the hope of dying young” long before I was born. What was a great gag when he was, say, 50 years old, and then to STILL be delivering a line like that at the age of 93, as he did on my UK television series, well that existential tension is what made his nonagenarian performances so incredibly spell-binding.

    Check it out here.


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    In exclusive interview with the Guardian, writer David Simon expresses fears for newspapers’ future and accuses media owners of contempt

    Check it out here.

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    Theatergoers will have barely settled into their seats at “Reasons to Be Pretty,” which makes its Broadway debut this week at the Lyceum, before they will be jolted by the profanity-laced rant of a young woman directed at her passive boyfriend all because he told a friend she had a “regular” face. The entire play hinges on this seemingly innocuous comment, which is why the billboard outside the Lyceum describes it as “a love story about the impossibility of love” written by “Neil LaBute, playwright and provocateur.” LaBute’s plays are, in fact, so provocative that some past audience members have walked out midplay or screamed out “kill the playwright” or slapped an actor’s face after a performance. And that makes a side of LaBute happy. “It’s part of my makeup,” he says, “to ruin a perfectly good day for people.”

    Check it out here.


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    Right about this same time last year (it’s 70th anniversary) I found an incredible paragon of throw-down urban journalism resting on the counter of my local 7/11 store.  To say The St. Louis Metro Evening Whirl is unlike any newspaper printed and distributed in the United States would be giving it so little credit it’s not even funny.

    Check it out here.


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    The work included in this exhibition demonstrates not only the hand of a talented artist, but also that of an obsessive collector. Each piece is an assemblage of street advertisements meticulously hand-collected by the artist over the course of many years. Layered deep in each work is a visual topography of the vibrant ethnic neighborhoods of New York City that collectively drive its pulse and frenetic energy.

    Check it out here.


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    “I do this as a regular pastime,” says Susana Raab of her practice of seeking funding for her personal projects. Her “Consumed” series, which documents America’s fast food culture and was featured in “Exposures” in March, has been supported by grants from The Puffin Foundation and the White House News Photographers’ Association.

    Check it out here.


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    Foto: Elyse Butler
    Ein tiefer Atemzug am Strand der Channel Islands in Californien.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    In photography, it’s hard to define what an “outsider artist” would be. After all, we’re all photographers! Cameras are ubiquitous. Of course, not everybody is an artist. But still, what would a true “outsider photography artist” look like?

    Check it out here.


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    The kidnappers have reportedly sent a list of demands insisting that People magazine print a half-page feature on Hutton’s New York restaurant venture P.J. Clarke’s, provide them with a suitcase containing $500,000 in unmarked bills, and include the actor “without fail” in the next People.com “Who Looked Hot?” web column.

    Check it out here.


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    The National Press Photographers Association has announced that Andrea Bruce of the Washington Post has been awarded second place in the International News Story with her photo essay on a young girl in Kurdistan being circumcised.

    Readers of this blog will recall reading the reasons for my revulsion at this photo essay

    Check it out here.

    Further discussion here.

    Even further discussion here.

    via APAD.


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    Walter Astrada/TIME Magazine

    Check it out here.

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    James Gregg/Arizona Daily Star

    Check it out here.

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    The latest issue of Private features the work of the collective Noor.

    Check it out here.


  • As I sit there, dreaming of this new Noctilux, I get an e-mail from none other than SEAL. Not only is he an accomplished music artist with a career spanning almost 20 years (his new CD “SOUL” is brilliant), but he is also a talented photographer who is lucky enough to own some of the best glass in the world, including the new Noctilux as well as the Leica 24 1.4 Summilux.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.

    via DVAFoto.


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    Stephen Mallon might be sitting on some of the most newsworthy pictures never seen.

    Check it out here.

    via APAD.


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    Richard Jones/sinopix/sinopix-
    Fifteen year-old Lou Li poses. Lou Li spent 8 months forcibly married to a farmer in Yunnan, West China. Lou Li was tricked away from her home and sold to the farmer for 6,500 rnb in September 2006 and escaped in April 2007.

    Check it out here.

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