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    In the fall of 2008 Alain Briot started working on a series of images whose main characteristic involved moving the camera while taking the photograph

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  • This study answers real-world questions for optimizing Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4:

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  • We learned about the Rocky Mountain News’s closure first from a Twitter post. It was the kind of hot news that people immediately shared in their own one-sentence snippets. In Denver, Rocky reporters used Twitter to report their own company’s death announcement in real time. And why not? It’s the fastest way to report eye-witness information, and it provides a satisfying outlet for jittery nerves.

    Check it out here.


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    Photograph: Vanessa Winship

    These two girls touched me, and I can’t say why. The image was made last spring in a school playground in Kars, near the Armenian border in eastern Turkey. I had been based in Istanbul for five years, so knew the country quite well, but I began this piece when I decided to come home. It represents a turning point for me as a photographer.

    Check it out here.


  • Harry Benson, the always-dapper, world-renowned photographer, showed up for this recent liveBooks Photographers In Focus video interview in a well-fitted suit — albeit without a tie. According to Harry, his attire isn’t just good fashion sense, it’s also good business sense.

    Check it out here.


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    Ten of Tyson’s most well-known opponents are interviewed in the film, with Von Kaiser, Soda Popinski, Don Flamenco, King Hippo, and others reminiscing about the boxer’s career.

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  • By Osmosis and Beautiful Decay teamed up to create this terrific short video profiling the prolific Los Angeles based activist/street artist Robbie Conal. Robbie’s work has been prolific in LA for over 25 years…

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  • The volume of weed B-Real has smoked over the past 20 years is enough to make you question how the MC has any brain cells left, let alone how he remains coherent. But there he sits, alternately bemoaning and praising the contemporary hip-hop landscape while crumbling fistfuls of sticky O.G. Kush into silken powder. Finally, the Birthday Cake is ready to serve; lighting up all five joints, the slow-burning sticks suffusing the water bottle with staggering amounts of smoke, Real takes an iron-lunged hit, exhales, smiles beatifically, and passes it to the left. Within five minutes, it’s orbited the room, and judging from the swollen silence it’s obvious that the Birthday Cake has gotten us baked.

    Check it out here.


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    A whole varying degree of assignments…

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    The charges against all three include amputation, murder, enlistment of child soldiers and sexual slavery. They also include forced marriage, the enslavement that countless young girls suffered when their villages were raided and they were forced to “marry” a rebel.

    Wednesday’s convictions marked the first time that the forced-marriage charge was successfully handed down in an international court of law.

    Check it out here.


  • Photo Mechanic 4.6, the latest version of the powerful photo importing, browsing and transmitting application for Mac and Windows, has emerged from beta and is now available. The long list of changes since 4.5.x include a slick folder-watching Live Ingest function, a full-resolution loupe in the Contact Sheet view, additional upload templates for Amazon S3, Flickr, SmugMug and others, expanded GPS support, an option to export all program preferences for import into Photo Mechanic on another computer and much, much more. Photo Mechanic 4.6 is the most feature-packed new release in several years.

    Check it out here.

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    It’s not too often that I photograph a school assembly and far less often that I get a photo I like from one

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    Other news…very cool. Jeff Snyder sent me this the other day..the Bogen Tri Flash Bracket is #LSTF3PFS  and will be $69 at Adorama. Considering Jeff is close with the folks at Bogen, particularly Mark “The William Holden of Flash Photography” Astmann, he should be able to get a bunch when it comes out next month

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