• Check it out here.


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    Now that the source material for the iconic Barack Obama campaign image, produced by Shepard Fairey, has been identified, the fair use fun can begin. The photographer says that he doesn’t want to make trouble. But some in the art world have been gunning for Fairey, arguing that he’s not just a bad artist, but not an artist at all.

    Check it out here.


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    Erich Salomon, who was one of the inventors of modern reportage (there were no books, classes, or online discussion groups to take advantage of, he simply DID it on his own) owned not only the cameras, but the will and inventiveness to use them. He made candid photography what it has become today. So when I pick up one of my old German cameras, I can only wonder what it must have seen

    Check it out here.


  • Bill Winfrey, who shot a famous photo of Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 for the Dallas Morning News, died January 15 at age 75

    Check it out here.


  • Earlier this week, we aired a Boing Boing video episode in which we visited Shepard Fairey’s gallery in LA, and spoke with him about the most well-known of his works, the Obama poster. That episode was shot as another artist’s work was being hung on the walls: legendary punk / hiphop / skate culture photographer Glen E. Friedman. Together, Shepard and Glen were also working on a collaboration together that brings Shep’s visual style together with some of Glen’s most iconic images.

    Check it out here.

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  • How a Swiss émigré’s cross-country road trip changed photography.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here. Via BoingBoing


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    When Steve Winter’s name was read out as the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008 at a gala at London’s Natural History Museum in November 2008 it was the culmination of a dream that began when he was a boy in Fort Wayne, Indiana. “From the time I was eight years old,” Steve reveals, “all I ever wanted to be was a National Geographic photographer. I always saw the magazine and watched National Geographic television specials and became fascinated by the great world out there, by all the other cultures and people.” He adds, ironically: “But never in a million years did I ever think I would end up photographing animals.” CPN’s John McDermott spoke to him about his career and his photographic pursuit of snow leopards.

    Check it out here.


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    illustrator Thomas Fuchs and designer Felix Sockwell have put together 100 iconic mini-tales of a GOP in disarray

    Check it out here.


  • Police Say School Shooter Had Troubled Past, History Of School Shootings

    Check it out here.

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    65#06 Beijing, Great Wall of Mutianyu, 2006, photographed by Thomas Kellner. Kellner explains his process

    Check it out here.


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    In a new view of an American Presidential Inauguration that’s never been shot or seen before, photographer Chuck Kennedy from the McClatchy-Tribune Photo Service today made this image of President Barack Obama taking the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States.

    Check it out here.


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    Oh dear. After my scoop “identifying” the source photograph and photographer of Shepard Fairey’s iconic HOPE poster, Purchase College digital photography teacher Nathan Lunstrum came up with a different image that appears to be a better and less convoluted match.

    Check it out here.


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    go to MyInauguralPhoto.com, powered by online photo editing software provider FotoFlexer, and pretend you were there, right behind the new president of the United States as he was sworn in.

    Check it out here.


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    I didn’t think the danger of slipping and falling in a parking lot could get any more severe. Then I saw this.

    Check it out here.


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    I’m now pretty much in a hallucinogenic state induced by lack of sleep and over-stimulation but it was an exciting day and an exciting week. 

    Check it out here.


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    One of the skate world’s best-kept secrets is the ultra-collectible but hard to find SKATE BOOK. A 350+ page hardcover “mag,” from the minds of skaters SALMAN AGAH and MIKE BALLARD, the refreshingly formatted quarterly periodical is a welcome departure from the copycat skate mags that could once call themselves cutting-edge.

    Check it out here.


  • Via John Naughton and Memex 1.1.

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    Richard Jones told The Associated Press that Grace Mugabe, 43, ordered a bodyguard to hold him down and then attacked him herself on Thursday near the Shangri-La hotel on Hong Kong’s Kowloon peninsula.

    Check it out here.


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    Photographs by Chien-Chi Chang

    Escape From North Korea
    Defection is daunting. So is starting a new, free life.

    Check it out here.
