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    Check it out here. Via APAD.

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    Each year the staff photographers at the Austin American-Statesman pick a few of our favorite photos and videos of the year for a special presentation

    Check it out here.


  • The Nikon D3x is in a class by itself – the most full featured, the most robust, and need I add, the most expensive of the three by a factor of nearly 3X. The Canon 5D MKII is probably the all-around champ, offering a combination of image quality, features and especially price that is very hard to top. On the other hand, the Sony is comparably priced, has the best viewfinder, in-body stabilization, and access to some fantastic Zeiss lenses. Decisions, decisions.

    Check it out here.


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    CLICK NOTE: It’s only appropriate that The Click’s best of the year list be something posted on another site and we just link to it. Here is our list, tailored for the photojournalism crowd, at SportsShooter.com:

    So Bert asks me to avoid the gloom and doom of the industry and list five cool things from the previous year. FIVE?! By my count, there were more than 3,000 cool things in 2008. Let me narrow it down to some that are worth your time. We’ll go chronologically.

    Check it out here.


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    Here we present, in the tradition of Casey Kasem, a countdown of the Top 40 most popular stories on PDN in 2008.

    Check it out here.


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    Magazine D’Arte Contemporanea

    Check it out here.


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    New site for former Seattle Times photographer Rod Mar

    Check it out here.


  • Using his Leica like a shotgun fired from chest level, the wide angle of his lens gathered information wholesale as he navigated the crowds attempting to work without notice. Usually zeroing in on one or two subjects within his direct path, the photos also collected information on the periphery that often prove more interesting and unexpected.

    Check it out here.

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    For one, I physically get close to my subjects. I tend to shoot more wide-angle photos. I really try to develop a rapport with the people I’m around when I’m shooting. It lends itself to being able to capture the more intimate moments that would seem like the photographer is invisible.

    Check it out here. Via APAD.


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    Reza Deghati is considered among the world’s great photojournalists.

    He has traveled the globe for nearly 30 years, bearing witness to wars, unrest, great leaders and the courage of ordinary people trapped by history. He has won countless awards, working for publications such as National Geographic, Newsweek and Time.

    Check it out here.

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    Check it out here.


  • 1,304 Photos from the 2008 SEC Championship Game from David Bergman on Vimeo.

    Check it out here. Thanks to DP for the tip.


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    Just in time for Christmas, it’s the full version of 8-Bit Jesus: Classic Christmas Songs in the Style of Classic NES Games. This full release contains 18 tracks total, including improved variations of a few of the original nine!

    Check it out here.

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    Photo by Robert Binder

    Rod Mar is leaving the Seattle Times after almost two decades with the newspaper.

    Check it out here.


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    burn is an evolving journal
    for emerging photographers.

    burn is curated by
    magnum photographer
    david alan harvey.

    Check it out here.


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    Does the LEICA S2 live up to the high level of expectations built up around a high-end professional system? The potential of the S2 was tested under real conditions in a fashion shooting. The advertising and fashion photographer Robert Grischek spent a whole day working with the new Leica digital system, the new LEICA SUMMARIT-S 1:2,5 / 70 mm ASPH. CS and the LEICA APO-ELMAR-S 1:3,5 / 180 mm CS in tough studio conditions.

    Check it out here.


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    Mike Johnston, on his site The Online Photographer, has written a critique of what he calls “The Worst Photograph Ever Made.” It’s an image shot by Annie Leibovitz for the 2009 Lavazza espresso calendar. How bad is it? We’ll let the picture speak for itself:

    Check it out here.


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    Allow me to introduce the Big Kahuna.

    Check it out here.


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    Alec Soth unveiled The Last Days of W., his first foray into self-publishing, at Paris Photo this fall. A collection of images he’s created over the last eight years, the 48-page artist’s book was printed on newsprint and priced at $17 in what he says was a nod to the current economic crisis. Soth also made a limited edition, which includes a signed placemat made from a photograph he took of the President’s empty chair and desk in the Oval Office.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.
