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    One of the most common questions that I get relates to audio and the Canon 5D MKII.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here. Via APAD.


  • Via APAD.

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  • Does anyone still believe that the forms of movies, television, magazines and newspapers might exist independently of their rapidly changing modes of distribution? The thought has become unsustainable.

    Check it out here.


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    a super-colossal chunk of LIFE magazine’s photographic archives have been posted online, hosted by Google.  Ever since then I’ve been compulsively ogling this embarrassment of visual riches.  Here are a couple of handfuls of my favorite discoveries. I had to force myself to quit hunting for and, inevitably, finding more images to link to.

    Check it out here.


  • 100 Frames of Michael Rubenstein’s take from the Mumbai terrorist attacks

    Check it out here.


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    I was talking with Heidi Volpe (former AD at LA Times Magazine) about some of the things she’s working on in the right now (we have projects we’re working on together so we talk a lot) and I asked if she would write about them from time to time to give people a different perspective on the industry. Here’s her first entry:

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.

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  • Dischord has opted to remaster and reissue a number of their classic albums on vinyl. The first batch of reissues includes Minor Threat’s Out of Step and First Two Seven Inches as well as a split from The Faith and Void and One Last Wish’s 1986 LP. More details can be found here.

    Check it out here.


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    About a month ago in Bali, Indonesia, the inaugural 2008 Asian Beach Games came to its conclusion

    Check it out here.


  • IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR FREE – simply to get “a” job – you risk destroying the entire business for everyone.   In fact – your dream job – that you do for free – will be a job that some qualified person will no longer be getting paid for.  And you’ll hurt that person’s chance of feeding their family in accepting to do that job for free.  It’s quite that simple

    Check it out here.


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    Despite dire sales predictions, this year’s seventh annual installment of the hedonistic visual extravaganza known as ART BASEL is off to a well-paced, if not running, start with eye-popping offerings from artists like BARRY McGEE, TONY OURSLER, SHEPARD FAIREY, SWOON, OS GEMEOS, KARA WALKER, BASQUIAT, KEHINDE WILEY, and FENG ZHENGJIE, to name a few, around every turn.

    Check it out here.


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    I would like to talk about working for free.

    Check it out here.


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    German optics are famed for their precision engineering and beautiful lens coating that can affect the sharpness of pictures. But have you ever wondered how the insides of a Leica or Carl Zeiss lens look?

    Check it out here.


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    Professor Folgarait explores the work of four photographers — and their critical and different roles — as they each helped to define a national identity for Mexico during 25 tumultuous years of revolution and post-revolution, from 1910 to 1935.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.

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    You can now follow The Click on Twitter.

    Check it out and follow us here.


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    Less than two years after joining The New York Times staff, and having never covered a presidential campaign before, Damon Winter won instant praise from fellow photographers for his photos of Barack Obama’s historic run for president.

    Check it out here.


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    22% of people read the text on street posters like this one. 28% – try to read, and without having understood any sense of it, go further. The rest don’t pay it attention. But what if the secret of happiness has been written here?

    Check it out here. via UrbanPrankster

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    Check it out here.
