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    This was just the kind of kiddie conundrum that was had by a pair of 30-something California born-and-raised rocker dads, Christian Jacobs and Scott Shultz. (Jacobs is the singer for the wacky masked ska pack the Aquabats, and Shultz helms the indie-pop outfit Majestic.) With funding from some supportive friends, a little blogger love that went voraciously viral and lots of monster magic, they bore a new baby last year, a TV show that parents and kids alike could watch together happily (and yeah, hiply): Yo Gabba Gabba!

    Check it out here.


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    When I first saw the Bad Brains back in 1985 they destroyed. This was even, according to some, 3 – 4 years after their prime, too. The singer bounced around the stage like a wild rabid animal. The band blistered through blistering songs, stopping on a dime, only to whip into another typhoon of a song. There were back flips, and prophetic statements. It was more then just hardcore. It was music. It was religious. It was illuminating. I was converted. Three years later I would even ditch my senior prom to see the band play again. Anytime they’ve played I have tried to catch them.

    Check it out here.


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    In product release by slow torture the RED Camera company has started to disclose information about its revised Scarlet video / stills hybrid camera.

    Check it out here.


  • historically, I’ve tended to do my predictions in November, but I’m pushing things forward a bit more than usual so that Nikon can introduce away later in the month ;~). Just kidding. While Nikon has a late November announcement planned, whatever that product is has been pushed around quite a bit in its launch. It may get pushed around some more.

    Check it out here.


  • New York Times Special Edition Video News Release – Nov. 12, 2008 from H Schweppes on Vimeo.

    Early this morning, commuters nationwide were delighted to find out that while they were sleeping, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had come to an end. See the full paper online: nytimes-se.com/


  • After years in relative obscurity, the Shining Path, one of Latin America’s most notorious guerrilla groups, is fighting the Peruvian military with renewed vigor, feeding on the profits of the cocaine trade and trying to win support from the Andean villagers it once terrorized, according to residents and Peruvian officials.

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


  • Three major publishers have called for the adoption of the PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System) standards by picture archives, photographers and all other image suppliers.

    Check it out here.


  • Misty Spurgeon, 26, a photographer for the Northwest Signal newspaper of Napoleon, Ohio, was killed Saturday night in a car accident.

    Check it out here.


  • The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office will not file criminal charges against an Oakland Tribune photojournalist who was detained last Friday while covering a student protest against immigration raids.
    Assistant district attorney Tom Rogers would not elaborate on the decision, which was made Tuesday afternoon. Rogers had reviewed allegations made by a school district police officer against Tribune videographer Jane Tyska that included vandalism, blocking the street and inciting a riot.

    Check it out here.


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    The Canon 5D Mark II is a remarkable instrument. Not only is it a 21-megapixel camera that takes amazing photographs, but it is also one of the first of the “hybrid” cameras. It takes full 1080p High Definition video. As more and more photojournalists find themselves confronted with “multi-tasking” in their jobs, providing both stills and video, this is a major step that points the way to the future of the industry.

    Check it out here.


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    Photo by David Turnley

    In 1985, I proposed that the Detroit Free Press send me to South Africa to attempt to photograph everyday life under apartheid. I was convinced that the reality, the indignities, and the ambiguities of daily existence in South Africa also spoke to the tragedies of segregation and prejudice in my own country.

    Check it out here. Remember to click the Feature Gallery button at top right to see the photographs.


  • Joshua Wolfe and five colleagues who also concentrate on the environment have created a new agency to handle their work called GHG Photos. Obviously not the greatest time to start a new photo agency, I have a sense that they said, why not now when the mood moves us? I recently conducted an e-mail interview with Joshua Wolfe about the agency, its hopes and dreams.

    Check it out here.


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    Making photographs is and isn’t child’s play. For many of the young photographers in this book, the camera became part of their lives at an early age, and in years they are not far removed from their own childhoods. Still, looking at their photographs, we know at once that they have left childhood behind to take on challenging issues and subjects and to seize those compelling moments when photographs are made.

    Check it out here.


  • This little video by David Burnett gives you a pretty good idea of the experience from the photographers point of view.

    Check it out here.


  • In the late Summer of 2008 I interviewed Henry Wilhelm, the world’s preeminent authority on print permanence and the founder of Wilhelm Imaging Research. This interview was conducted on behalf of Epson, to be used as part of their 2008/2009 Epson Print Academy. The clip used by Epson was edited down to 14 minutes for use in The Print Academy.

    Check it out here.


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    Consider Japanese photography as a whole and it becomes evident that a large number of artists tend to express feelings of incomprehension and ambiguity towards reality and the world rather than attempt to decrypt it and objectively analyze it

    Check it out here.


  • New York City-based photojournalist Steve Simon made several quiet portraits of individuals witnessing history within a large crowd watching election-night coverage in Harlem.

    Check it out here.


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    Photo by Scott M. Bort

    As many of his classmates prepared for starting college or new jobs, 2008 Portage High School graduate Jason Follow was preparing for the U.S. Marine Corps. I met Jason in May and followed him on and off through the final days of school and through his summer before departing for Recruit Training in San Diego on Aug 12, 2008.

    Check it out here.


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    photo by David Burnett

    Most photojournalists like to feel that what they do in their work has some historic sense to it. I mean, we’re photoJOURNALISTS. We like to think that our pictures are, as we often say, the “first draft of history.”

    Check it out here.
