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    Legendary B-movie actor Bruce Campbell plays himself in the new film MY NAME IS BRUCE, which opens theatrically on October 31 in New York. MY NAME IS BRUCE doesn’t have a standard issue release date because we’re doing something for the film that doesn’t seem to be done anymore. Campbell is traveling to every opening city to be at the opening theatre for the first night or two. As such, Bruce is working his way across the country between November and December, in a new city every few days. (Who else nowadays goes on a two month PA tour?)

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    . Via APAD.


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    At ten past four in the afternoon, Thursday 23rd October 2008, a seismic shift occurred in the photo department at The Sydney Morning Herald. The remaining members of Team ZimmerTM, the elder statesmen of Herald photography, surrounded by their photographic colleagues and a few senior reporters, were farewelled with modest gifts and mudcake. Farewelled alongside them were two of the best sport shooters the world has seen. The Herald had just lost over a century of experience in one fell swoop. There was barely a dry eye in the place.
    End of an era: from right; Tim Clayton, Peter Morris, Craig Golding and Bob Pearce.

    Check it out here

    . Via Rob Galbraith.


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    Three years ago Vice Editor Andy Capper brought Gavin Watson out of self-imposed exile and uncovered hundreds of unpublished photos. The pair collaborated to produce a new book called Skins & Punks – Lost Archives 1978–1985, which we’re proud to say has now been released.

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  • emember Nick Turpin, who did those beautiful SB-800-lit street portraits of thriller writers for Arena Magazine?

    Now, he has ditched even those and is shooting his current month-long campaign for Samsung using only a cell phone. No DSLRs, no flashes, no female assistants holding long poles. And he is not even in control of what he is shooting — you are.

    Check it out here


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    The Big Vinyl Yeti will be available for preorder on Thursday, October 30th at 11am PST. All orders placed during the following seven days will be guaranteed a Yeti figure and will receive a free black Yeti Ice Cave tee. Limit one shirt per customer.

    Check it out here


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    “There is no photography allowed. You must put away your camera or cellphone before approaching the signing table.”

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    Mark Power/Magnum Photos

    In late September I made my latest visit to Poland, to finally bring some closure to ‘The Sound of Two Songs’, which began way back in 2004. These are some of those recent pictures.

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  • One of my favorite stories is when he got his hands on an old-school stun-gun, the kind that shoots a bolt of electrical current across two contact points. He was so thrilled about his new toy, he went down to The Lift that night and you just knew he was gonna find an excuse to use it. He starts talking s**t to some turtleneck-wearing douchebag at the club, they get about ready to box, and Dwid pulls the stungun on the dude and it was either low on batteries or just a cheap bootleg knockoff cause the guy he stunned just kinda stepped back, looked at him like ‘check out this motherF***R’ and broke his nose with one punch. Classic.

    Check it out here


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    Shutting down the DRR online storage site – and giving all of your customers less than 24 hours notice to retrieve their data – is ABSOLUTELY INEXCUSABLE.

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    With the 2008 election only days away, we asked four photographers who have spent years working both in and around the White House to offer their advice for the next president. Here photographers Pete Souza, Diana Walker, David Hume Kennerly, and Robert McNeely reflect upon the role the White House photographer plays in creating an historic record, how the White House press office and the next First Family might work with media photographers, and the value that photographers with access to the White House can have in shaping the public’s understanding of both the President and the workings of government.

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    South African photographer Mikhael Subotzky has been awarded the 2008 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography. Subotzky received the grant, worth $30,000, for his project “Crime, Punishment and Security in Post-Apartheid South Africa.”

    Check it out here


  • Nikon and Canon are traditional rivals, like the Hatfields and the McCoys. They compete in just about ever segment of the market. But, in recent years Canon has, with its G series, had one small niche to itself, that of the pocketable digicam that shoots raw and has an optical viewfinder (pathetic though the latter may be).

    Now, with the introduction by Nikon of the Coolpix P6000, and Canon’s upgrade to the G10, we have what appear at first blush to be competitive products in this category. Let’s see how they initially stack up.

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  • To our valued Members:

    We’re sorry to inform you that Digital Railroad (DRR) has shut down.

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  • Let’s instead talk about just the photography. I think it’s not too daring to say that after more than fifty years of grainy b/w photojournalism (with its sometimes blurry, sometimes crooked shots) the visual tool has become blunt.

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    E&P announced today the winners in its 9th annual Newspaper Photos of the Year competition. The grand prizerwinner is freelancer Shiho Fukada, who is based in New York City and China, for her remarkable series of photographs following last spring’s tragic earthquake in China.

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    Guardian photographer Denis Thorpe and northern editor Martin Wainwright discuss an exhibition of pictures taken by the paper’s Manchester photographers. The exhibition, curated by Thorpe, includes striking work taken since the paper appointed its first staff photographer, Walter Doughty, in 1908. A Long Exposure: 100 Years of Guardian Photography runs until March 1 2009 at The Lowry in Salford, Greater Manchester

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    On the eve of the election, a number of Magnum photographers have been venturing into American to capture what they can of this historic moment in time. The project is called InSight America. But rather than publish this work as a book a year after the fact, Magnum is posting the work online and on the fly.

    I caught up with Alex Webb after his recent journey to Ohio

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