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    I became fascinated with Brad Elterman’s classic rock imagery (and amazing caption-writing) from the ’70s and ’80s at the inception of this blog, and was recently in touch with him about  his current activities. He continues to shape the paparazzi industry from the inside– he’s now a co-founder of Buzz Foto.

    A little Q&A follows.

    Check it out here.


  • I have heard two rumors today that something is amiss at photo hosting company and stock marketplace Digital Railroad. One rumor – that the company might be liquidated – appears on John Harrington’s Photo Business News blog. John may be in a good position to know, since Digital Railroad is one of his blog’s advertisers.

    Check it out here.


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    I just learned that Anders Petersen, the great Swedish photographer, will be conducting a rare one-week photography workshop in Barcelona, November 23-29, 2008.

    Check it out here.


    We’ve also been doing an interview series; so far, we’ve published q&a’s with Eric Kayne and Jon Cazenave and we’ve got more underway. Interviews are shaping up to be once a week, and everything else gets posted whenever it seems right. We’ve also got a photo deadline calendar accessible online and which can be added to ical or other calendar applications.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here. Via BoingBoing.


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    Photos by SOL NEELMAN

    An annual Roller Race, part of the Oregon Manifest Handmade Bike Show this past weekend.

    Race a stationary bike, dismount, grab a kiddie bike, run around the bar and be the first to touch the cow bell.

    Check it out here.


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    At the beginning of last year I decided to start fresh on my nightlife project. Here’s the latest update. It’s loosely edited and contains some redundancy, so please indulge me a bit on the edit. I’m still thinking about it. I’m welcome to any feedback with regard to the edit and also where I should take the shooting from here.

    Check it out here.


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    Each year, a few students are selected to not only shoot still images, but record audio as well. Each photographer works intensively with the multimedia team to produce a full audio-visual piece within two days.

    Check it out here.


  • Lucy Nicholson presents a multimedia blog on Reuters’ coverage of the Beijing Olympics.

    Check it out here.


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    Photographer Jim Shaughnessy first turned his lens on trains in 1946 at age 13. Over the following 20 years, he chased trains around New England and Canada, documenting the fall of steam engines and the rise of diesel locomotives — all in gorgeous black and white.

    Check it out here.


  • One of the things that amuses me the most is the stipulations that the recording artists put on us shooters.

    The Taylor Swift show was no exception. In fact, it probably had the most convoluted and ridiculous shooting restriction yet.

    Check it out here.


  • John Hodgman’s new book MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE hits the streets on October 21, but by no means is today’s episode of Boing Boing tv any sort of, oh, how do the marketing people say it — it’s not a book trailer, and it is by no means a promotional vehicle for said book.

    Check it out here.

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    You heard the rumors, now get the details. Apple has just released a major update to the MacBook line, leaving the original white plastic model in the mix but lowering the price to $999; the two new models are priced at $1299 and $1599.

    Check it out here.


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    Photographer William Claxton, whose revealing portraits of jazz musicians defined the look of the 1960s West Coast jazz scene, died Saturday, October 11. He was 80.

    Check it out here.


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    San Francisco loyalist and prodigious monochromatic illustrator/tattooer/graffiti artist MIKE GIANT has once again paid copious homage to his adopted hometown with the opening of his new solo show, “Greetings From San Francisco,” at the fog belt’s WHITE WALLS GALLERY

    Check it out here.


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    The 37th Frame is dedicated to bringing readers the best of the photojournalism on the internet. We will search the web sites of newspapers, magazine and the best independent photojournalists around the world and post links to the work.

    Check it out here.

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    After arriving in Israel I began to hear rumors about two young boys who had been shot to death in the West Bank village of Ni’ilin.  I traveled to the village with a translator to meet their families.

    Check it out here.


  • Untitled from mudlevel on Vimeo.

    Via Wooster Collective.

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    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.
