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    Kim Jong Il’s mysterious failure to show up for his country’s 60th birthday bash has set off a wave of speculation about Dear Leader’s health. To find out what might be happening in Pyongyang, FP spoke with expert Ken E. Gause, who has been studying the North Korean regime for two decades.

    Check it out here.


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    Photos by Nathan Armes

    A few frames from a recent football game. For University of Colorado and Colorado State University fans, this was THE football game of the season.

    Check it out here.


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    Seven years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden remains as elusive as ever. Most analysts believe the al Qaeda leader is hiding out in Pakistan’s tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan. So, FP asked five Pakistani experts to tell us how to catch him.

    Check it out here.


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    Next time you hop on a crowded subway, remember not only to keep your cool, but also your smile — Aaron Alamo Fernández might be taking a picture.
    The 37-year-old Mexico City native has been taking snapshots of unsuspecting straphangers ever since he moved here two years ago, and he says people hardly notice.
    “I shoot from the hip,” says Alamo Fernández, patting his rather large Leica camera holstered to his right leg.

    Check it out here.


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    An unnamed “French Magazine” has published pictures of a rather spectacular new Leica lens, the Noctilux 50mm ƒ0.95 ASPH (the ASPH means Aspherical, which is a good thing). It will be officially announced at this month’s Photokina show.

    Check it out here.


  • 28 excellent, useful cheat sheets in various file formats for Photoshop, Dreamweaver, colors, typography, and other web-design related topics

    Check it out here.


  • via UrbanPrankster.

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  • A series of preemptive police raids on Twin Cities anarchist groups prior to last week’s Republican National Convention roiled the blogosphere, after prominent progressive writers such as Salon’s Glenn Greenwald and Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake posted video from the scene. But according to a warrant affidavit filed by the Ramsey County sheriff, it was a YouTube video that may have piqued the authorities’ interest in the first place.

    Check it out here.


  • I’ve had a weekend to digest my visit to Visa pour l’Image. Here are some of my impressions.

    Check it out here.


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    The project (a brainchild of art collaborative PROCESS) supplied each artist with a train car illustration, either as a vector file or a screenprint. They were then instructed to take complete creative control over the trains, resulting in a miniaturized versions of THE BEST train cars you’ll ever not see chugging along the tracks

    Check it out here.



    It takes but a glance to see that the Sony Alpha A900 is unique among modern digital SLR cameras. The large, pyramidal shape behind the SONY logo suggests that a very large pentaprism glass element lies underneath. A quick glance through the viewfinder completes the impression: it’s like a room in there, into which it seems you might fall if you’re not careful. 35mm camera owners from the last century will find the Sony A900’s viewfinder comforting, then quickly forget about it and begin composing with an impressive photographic tool.

    Check it out here.


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    It has been a long wait and rumours have been circulating the photography forums for many months but today Sony has announced the A900, their flagship model which sets a new benchmark with a 24.6 megapixel full frame sensor.

    I recently had the opportunity to get my hands on one for a day, along with a Canon 1DsM3 kindly loaned to me by Kayell Queensland. I was able to see for myself how the new camera stacks up against what has up until now been regarded as representing the pinnacle of dSLRs.

    Check it out here.


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    Photokina is nearly three weeks away, and as the conference draws nearer we can’t help but notice various blogs and gadget Web sites claiming to have reliable sources on new full-frame cameras from Canon, Leica, Nikon, Pentax and Sony.

    Check it out here.


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    Andreas Gefeller is a German photographer well known for his series Supervisions, which pushes the boundaries of photography by elevating the view point off the ground. I have been extremely interested in Andreas’ work for a long time, and I recently had the chance to talk to him about it.

    Check it out here.


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    Back from Beijing, Gabriel Dance of nyt.com puts the viewer there during Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention. I was struck by this pano in that I can’t find a single stitching error anywhere, which is impressive given the situation and subject matter.
    I asked Gabriel about the shoot and his gear. Here’s his response

    Check it out here.


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    Michael McNamara is a photojournalist, and currently works at the Arizona Republic, shooting for their magazines and features pages.

    Jill Peitzmeier used to be a photojournalist, but since moving to Phoenix she spends her time making crafty things and working at a cute little shop.

    She misses taking pictures for a living and would love to photograph something (or someone) for you!

    Check it out here.


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    Igloo Chronicles is a pipeline of information regarding this world we live in. All images are copyrighted by G.West. All thoughts are trademarked by G.West.

    Check it out here.


  • Peter Jaszi, Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic at American University Washington College of Law has prepared a great list that explains when you don’t need to be concerned about releases or fair use.

    Check it out here.


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    Phototgraphs of the political conventions by New York Times photographers Damon Winter, Todd Heisler, Ozier Muhammad and Stephen Crowley

    Check it out here. Via Laforet.

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    PAKISTAN’S WILD, LARGELY ungoverned tribal areas have become an untouchable base for Islamic militants to attack Americans and Afghans across the border. Inside the tribal areas, Taliban warlords have taken near-total control, pushing aside the Pakistani government and imposing their draconian form of Islam. And for more than a year now, they have been sending suicide bombers against government and military targets in Pakistan, killing hundreds of people. American and Pakistani investigators say they believe it was Baitullah Mehsud, the strongest of FATA’s Taliban leaders, who dispatched assassins last December to kill Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister. With much of the North-West Frontier Province, which borders the tribal areas, also now under their control, the Taliban are increasingly in a position to threaten the integrity of the Pakistani state.

    Check it out here.
