• it seems Canon’s Chinese website has leaked specs for a new prosumer camera, the 50D

    Check it out here.


  • A YouTube clip from a Magnum meeting.

    Check it out here.

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  • I know that for a wedding photographer or a local portrait photographer, SEO (Search engine optimization) may be one of the most important things for their business after the images

    Check it out here.


  • Moments after Olympic events end, another feat of Olympic proportions begins. An army of Olympic photographers and editors swings into action.

    Check it out here.


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    eBoy is everywhere. If you’re a geek, you saw their poster for MakerFaire. If you like beats, you picked up the latest issue of BPM. And if you collect toys, you have an opinion on their Peecol figures. Now eBoy has teamed up with JoshSpear favorite ROJO for the production of a limited edition monographic book entitled Schmock.

    Check it out here.


  • Next month, a discordant crowd of photographers and editors will squeeze into the small city of Perpignan, France.

    It will be the 20th year of Visa Pour l’Image, an ambitious photo festival that has grown into a huge annual reunion for photojournalists.

    Check it out here.


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    An exiled teacher of Kim Jong-il has revealed how he first met an ‘ordinary’ student who turned into the monster that rid Pyongyang of the disabled – and ordered his entire family killed.

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


  • This gentleman likes to watch videos while he drives at night. He places his iPhone on his car’s dashboard and watches the reflection on the windshield.

    Check it out here.


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    Her upcoming book, Annie Leibovitz: At Work, looks to be a behind-the-scenes study of some of her more famous shoots, including the royal shoot referenced above.

    Check it out here.


  • I see almost no trace of the army which has supposedly regrouped in order to fiercely resist the Russian invasion. Here we see a police station. A little farther on, a handful of soldiers, their uniforms still too new. But no combat units. No anti-aircraft weaponry. Not even the trenches and zigzagging fortifications which, in all the besieged cities of the world, are set up to at least slightly impede the enemy’s advance. A dispatch received while we are driving announces that Russian tanks are now approaching the capital. The information is relayed by various radio stations and then finally denied, creating unspeakable chaos and making the few cars which had ventured outside the city turn back immediately. But the authorities, the powers that be, seem strangely to have given up.

    Check it out here.


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    Jerry Dantzic (previously reviewed here in April 2003) was a lifelong photojournalist, whose long career documented the arts, music and the vast diversity of New York life.  He freelanced for the New York Times and Life and Look magazines, among other major publications. He also taught photography at Long Island University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

    Check it out here.


  • If you ask a photographer what kind of images he or she makes, the answer most commonly refers to a list of divergent subjects.

    Check it out here.


  • For more than three months, police Detective John Botte roamed the ruins of the World Trade Center, snapping photographs with his Leica Rangefinder camera and capturing hundreds of images of people at work on the monumental cleanup. His pictures soon appeared in a trio of books, most notably the best-selling autobiography of the city’s police commissioner.

    Check it out here.


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    Photographer Kenneth Jarecke offers an inside look at the world of photography and photojournalism.

    Check it out here.

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  • A great video of National Georgraphic’s Photo Director David Griffin giving a talk on photography at TED

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


  • David Burnett and I were comissioned by a high-profile magazine to make a cover image of Michael Phelps. Actually it was David who they wanted. David to his credit and as a testimont to his experience suggested that both of us do the shoot at the same time. It was a pretty smart and somewhat bold idea. Two sets of eyes, two brains working togeather to make the most out of the five minutes that we’d (hopefully) get.

    Check it out here.

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    These Olympics have put sports photographers in a good mood. Photographers and editors interviewed over the last few days universally praised the Beijing Olympics as the best-run games in years.

    “It’s pretty amazing actually,” says Getty Images photographer Shaun Botterill, who is covering his tenth Olympics. “Volunteers have been unbelievable. . . . You walk around and people are opening doors for you.”

    Check it out here.


  • A Londoner was stopped by a London Transport Police officer under S.44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, and had the presence of mind to whip out his video camera and record the officers tearing through his stuff.

    Check it out here.
