• In federal court today the American Civil Liberties Union will argue a case challenging the U.S. government’s policy of searching travelers’ laptops and other electronic devices at border checks without reasonable suspicion. Government documents show that thousands of American citizens are affected by these policies when they return from trips abroad


  • After studying the case, it became clear that the Corbis Sygma entity had been transferred to the American Corbis Corporation without any trace of compensation for the French entity Corbis Sygma.


  • CBS broadcasts altered views of Boston’s Fourth of July fireworks

    Those who watched Boston’s revered Fourth of July celebration Monday night on CBS were treated to spectacular views of fireworks exploding behind the State House, Quincy Market, and home plate at Fenway Park, among other places – great views, until

    via Boston.com: http://www.boston.com/ae/tv/articles/2011/07/08/cbs_broadcasts_altered_views_of_bostons_fourth_of_july_fireworks/?page=full

    Those who watched Boston’s revered Fourth of July celebration Monday night on CBS were treated to spectacular views of fireworks exploding behind the State House, Quincy Market, and home plate at Fenway Park, among other places – great views, until you consider that they were physically impossible.


  • Move to Close Newspaper Is Greeted With Suspicion

    An outpouring of suspicion and condemnation came from all directions on Thursday, following the News Corporation’s decision to shut down the British tabloid The News of the World.

    Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/08/world/europe/08newscorp.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss

    There are already indications that The News of the World may be reconstituted in some form. People with ties to the company said Thursday that the News Corporation had for some time been examining whether to start a Sunday edition for its other British tabloid, The Sun.


  • Georgian Photographers Arrested on Suspicion of Espionage | PDNPulse

    Police in Georgia arrested four photographers, including the personal photographer of Georgia’s president and a photojournalist with European Pressphoto Agency, during an early morning raid today, according to a statement from the Georgia Interior Ministr

    via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/07/georgian-photographers-arrested-on-suspicion-of-espionage.html

    The BBC reports that the ministry has accused the photographers of working against the interests of Georgia by supplying the special service of an unnamed country with information.

    The four photographers are Irakli Gedenidze, photographer to President Mikheil Saakashvili; Georgian foreign ministry photographer Georgy Abdaladze; and Zurab Kurtsikidze of EPA.


  • In The Loupe

    Stella Kramer, Julie Grahame, and Allegra Wilde are excited to announce IN THE LOUPE, a WebTV show that will premiere at the end of July. It’s TV with the three of us, talking about everything photography.IN THE LOUPE has information, attitude, interviews

    via aCurator: http://www.acurator.com/blog/2011/07/in-the-loupe.html

    Stella Kramer, Julie Grahame, and Allegra Wilde are excited to announce IN THE LOUPE, a WebTV show that will premiere at the end of July. It’s TV with the three of us, talking about everything photography.


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    Junku Nishimura, a Tokyo-based street photographer, shoots with the Leica M5, or as he likes to describe it, he’s a “midnight boozer with Leica M5.” Junku has a distinctly retro style of shooting, which reflects his own reluctance to accept change and let go of his favorite worn in possessions. He is also a member of Ante Portas, a group of photographers on Tumblr who post one image, one series or sequence from their lives each month. Leica blog contributor Eric Kim had the chance to interview Junku about his work and passion for photography.

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  • Rene Burri has photographed the Magnum Annual General Meeting group portrait for over 30 years.

    (Filmed by Chien-Chi Chang, produced by Magnum in Motion)


  • New Tools to Tell an Ancient Story

    Migration along the Pan-American Highway is the focus of Kadir Van Lohuizen’s app, Vía PanAm.

    via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/07/new-tools-to-tell-an-ancient-story/

    His trek alone is noteworthy. The photojournalist Kadir van Lohuizen is spending 40 weeks traveling up the Pan-American Highway from Chile to Alaska.

    So is his reporting medium: a $3.99 multimedia app, Vía PanAm, through which Mr. Van Lohuizen files his blog dispatches, videos, audio tracks and photographs.

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  • LightBox | Time

    Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time

    via Time: http://lightbox.time.com/2011/07/07/into-existence-southern-sudan-on-the-eve-of-independence/#1

    When I arrived in southern Sudan in 2009, I did so with only a general understanding of the dynamics at play. In the almost two years since then, I have been humbled, deeply and repeatedly, by the complexity of the southern struggle and the respective identities of those who waged it.


  • Iranian Photojournalist Who Advocates For Women’s Rights Imprisoned | PDNPulse

    Press photographer Maryam Majd has been detained in Iran’s Evin Prison, says a group of 32 Iranian photographers who have written and signed a petition demanding her release. The petition says that, “Although the arrest of Maryam Majd has not been confirm

    via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/07/iranian-photojournalist-who-advocates-for-womens-rights-imprisoned.html

    Press photographer Maryam Majd has been detained in Iran’s Evin Prison, says a group of 32 Iranian photographers who have written and signed a petition demanding her release.


  • ISPs to Disrupt Internet Access of Copyright Scofflaws

    The nation’s major internet service providers, at the urging of Hollywood and the major record labels, have agreed to disrupt internet access for online copyright scofflaws. The deal, almost three years in the making, was announced early Thursday, and inc

    via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/07/disrupting-internet-access/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+wired27b

    The nation’s major internet service providers, at the urging of Hollywood and the major record labels, have agreed to disrupt internet access for online copyright scofflaws.


  • News of the World to “close”

    News of the World, the Murdoch-owned newspaper at the center of a phone ‘hacking’ scandal, is to close after Sunday’s edition. Though the world’s second largest English-lang…

    via Boing Boing: http://www.boingboing.net/2011/07/07/news-of-the-world-to.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+boingboing/iBag

    News of the World, the Murdoch-owned newspaper at the center of a phone ‘hacking’ scandal, is to close after Sunday’s edition.


  • James Murdoch said that the tabloid and News Corp. “failed to get to the bottom of repeated wrongdoing that occurred without conscience or legitimate purpose.”


  • Noor has issued a call for submissions to join the Amsterdam-based photo agency


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    in May I began designing a piece to hand out at Review Santa Fe. Since Matt Slaby was also joining me there we decided to combine our work into one piwxw, so that we could push one another’s work while sharing our own new projects. Midway through the design, I realized that this could also be the model for our larger magazines. The name hit me immediately: 2×2: 2 Projects by 2 LUCEO Photographers 


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    Since 1996, the “Voies Off” Festival organizes an event aimed at promoting emergent contemporary photography during the professional week of the Rencontres d’Arles. Arles becomes, for a week, the city of photography.


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    In 2002, with the help of the Luma Foundation, the Festival des Rencontres d’Arles created an Award to encourage artists. In 10 years, more than 50 nominators have come to present their promising artists, promoting diversity.


  • Twin-Lens Holga Sees Double

    Holga’s TIM looks like an alcoholic Englishman after a particularly nasty Friday-night brawl, eyes half closed and all but a single tooth knocked from his stupid grinning mouth. And like that violent drunk, TIM will also stumble through life seeing double

    via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/07/twin-lens-holga-sees-double/

    TIM, from Holga, is available now and will cost you a very reasonable $50 or $60, depending on whether you opt for the flash or not.


  • Open in new window

    Joel Hawksley is off to a fast start. With two quarters to go before he graduates from Ohio University (OU) with a degree in photojournalism, Hawksley has already been working as a staff photographer for two years. And he’s compiled an impressive portfolio of photographs in that time.
