• The 3D “coverage” is being executed by DUMBO resident Martin Lenclos. Lenclos creates 3D online experiences of actual events, through the interplay of photos and video interviews, all set in an evocative 3D representation of the event’s environment. Soon after an event begins, a virtual version is launched, which those interested can then visit and explore, both contemporaneous with those attending the event live, or at any point thereafter. The rendered 3D world immerses visitors in the environment of the event, and vastly expands the number of people who can experience it.

    via: Martin Lenclos



  • City of London security guards told to report ‘suspicious’ photographers

    Police instruction to 5,000 guards helps explain recent cases of photographers stopped and searched under Terrorism Act

    via the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/may/13/city-london-security-guards-report-photographers

    Police instruction to 5,000 guards helps explain recent cases of photographers stopped and searched under Terrorism Act


  • Rina Castelnuovo and the Unending Story

    Rina Castelnuovo does not have an easy time covering Israelis and Palestinians. But as Joseph Berger learned, she wouldn’t do anything else.

    via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/17/showcase-162/

    Ms. Castelnuovo has been documenting the conflict between the Palestinian and the Israelis for more than 30 years, 17 of them as a contract photographer for The New York Times based in Jerusalem. These days, she works alongside the correspondents Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner.


  • Collecting New York’s Stories: Stuyvesant to Sid Vicious

    Newly-acquired works on view at The Museum of the City of New York. From aCurator.com

    via aCurator: http://www.acurator.com/

    I’ve decided to set up a similar tournament for Street Photography. I’ve chosen 64 of the best Street Photographers in history, seeded them, and designed a tournament bracket.

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  • Protests turn deadly in Thailand

    The political protest in Bangkok, Thailand has been active for nearly two months now, and has entered a new, deadly phase in the past week, with at least 36 of the total 60 deaths occurring in just the last few days. Ant-government “Red Shirt” protesters

    via Boston.com: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/protests_turn_deadly_in_thaila.html

    photos of the recent turmoil in central Bangkok


  • ‘Nothing to Do but Kill and Wait’

    The author of “The Perfect Storm” spent months with American soldiers in a lethal corner of Afghanistan and details their intense lives in this original account.

    Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/books/review/Filkins-t.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

    The best way to describe Junger’s book is to say what it is not. “War” does not attempt to explain the strategy behind the American war in Afghanistan, or the politics of Afghanistan, or even the people of the Korangal Valley. As the action unfolds, Junger makes no attempt to connect it to anything else happening inside the country.

    Instead, he uses the platoon (the second of Battle Company, part of the 173rd Airborne Brigade) as a kind of laboratory to examine the human condition as it evolved under the extraordinary circumstances in which these soldiers fought and lived. And what a laboratory it is. The men of Second Platoon are young, heavily armed and crammed together inside a tiny mountain outpost supplied by helicopter and surrounded by enemies determined to get inside. Indeed, there aren’t many places on earth where such intense and bizarre circumstances could be duplicated.

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  • Putting a Price on Words

    When news is search-driven, audience-targeted and everywhere, what’s a story worth?

    Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/magazine/16Journalism-t.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&pagewanted=all

    “Maybe this is what success looks like,” says Nick Denton, speaking of his own business, Gawker Media — a popular and profitable network of Web sites covering technology, sports and celebrity news — as well as of disruptive ventures like Craigslist, the free site that has decimated classified advertising, once a lucrative source of income for newspapers. “You can have destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars, or billions of dollars, of revenue for other people,” Denton says, “but without capturing it all yourself.”


  • Maximum Rocknroll: Kick-Ass Photos From Iconic Punk Mag

    via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2010/05/gallery-maximum-rocknroll/

    This year MRR released its first photography issue, interviewing punk shooters and showcasing contributions from MRR’s global readership.

    Punk’s in-your-face aesthetic is as different from detached rock stars as Maximum’s anti-commercial stance is from corporate magazines. Despite the dire financial straights of many media outlets, including MRR, the photo issue has sold out, proving there’s still life underground.

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  • Stealthy ThinkTank Photo-Bags Expand to Fit Everything

    ThinkTank, the master of shifting photo-gear, is better known for its TARDIS-like airline carry-on cases than for smaller bags. The new Retrospective series may change that. The Retrospective bags are stealth bags. The “pinestone” colored bags are especia

    via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/05/stealthy-thinktank-photo-bags-expand-to-fit-everything/

    The soft-sided shoulder bags come in three sizes and will hold a big DSLR body and lens along with space for a few more lenses. Because they are soft, there is a lot more flexibility as to how you cram in your gear. The layout, though, makes quick lens-changes pretty easy: the lenses are kept upright for grabbing quickly.


  • Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera | Photography review

    The thin dividing line between photographic observation and intrusion is examined in a challenging and disturbing exhibition at Tate Modern, writes Sean O’Hagan

    via the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2010/may/16/exposed-voyeurism-surveillance-camera-review

    “Photography,” Diane Arbus once said, “was a licence to go wherever I wanted and to do what I wanted to do.” Arbus, who famously photographed American outsiders and eccentrics, including so-called freaks from carnival shows, also described the lure of the camera thus: “I always thought of photography as a naughty thing to do… when I first did it I felt very perverse.”


  • our full interview with Applewhite, in which she describes the role photography plays in the work The Pulitzer Center supports, how photojournalists can strengthen their applications for funding, and how the organization expects its grantees to help reach an audience well beyond readers of a single media outlet.

    Link: Q&A: Getting Funding from The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting


  • Over the past year I have been emailed frequently by photographers inquiring the “how to’s” of embedding to Afghanistan, especially those who are first-timers. I wrote very similar emails like this to very experienced colleagues (such as Alan Chin, John Moore, and Teru Kuwayama, to name a few) before I embedded for the first time in 2009. To save us all a lot of trouble (those asking the questions and those having to repeat the advice) I decided to compile a document entailing a list and series of frequently asked “Q and A’s”, as well as information given to me from these colleagues in the field; without their help my embed would have been much more difficult.

    Link: Advice for first-time embeds to Afghanistan | Lightstalkers

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  • A panel discussion kicked off the New York Photo Festival on Thursday that featured Elizabeth Biondi, Visuals Editor at The New Yorker and four photographers from the relatively new photo agency, INSTITUTE.  The topic was “New Directions in Storytelling” and Biondi began the talk by professing that she will always be “rooted in traditional storytelling.” But the photographers that followed showcased the ways they’ve adapted to changing media platforms and new methods of doing business.

    Link: Photography and New Media at New York Photo Fest – The Photoletariat


  • Sean Penn Sentenced for Paparazzo Attack. Was Justice Served? | PDNPulse

    May 14, 2010 Sean Penn has been sentenced to three years of probation, 300 hours of community service and 36 hours of anger management counseling after pleading no contest to vandalism charges stemming from an incident last October in which he allegedly k

    via PDNPulse: http://www.pdnpulse.com/2010/05/sean-penn-sentenced-for-paparazzo-attack-was-justice-served.html

    given all the ambiguity, and Penn’s stiff sentence, we felt compelled to ask another paparazzo: Don’t you just have to expect to take your lumps (or kicks, or even punches) now and again, given the provocative nature of paparazzi work? Or to put it more bluntly, is Dawes a real victim, or just a cry baby?


  • FA285401.jpg

    There are 200 images, taken out of the 2000 Marc Garanger shot over ten days in 1960. Garanger, at the time a soldier and a photographer for the French army, would install a stool in the shadow cast by the mud houses of Algeria. One by one, villagers, predominantly women, were forced to pose for Garanger, whose task was to produce the images needed for new mandatory ID cards. Less than a year later, Garanger’s images of shamed and angry Algerian women would become a symbol of French oppression over its Northern African colony.

    Link: 1854, the blog of the British Journal of Photography


  • Sean Penn Sentenced for Attack on Photographer

    Actor Sean Penn was sentenced to three years of probation and 300 hours of community service yesterday for battery and vandalism against photographer Jordan Dawes in an incident that occurred on October 2, 2009, in Brentwood, California. Dawes was filming

    via The Online Photographer: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2010/05/sean-penn-sentenced-for-attack-on-photographer.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FZSjz+%28The+Online+Photographer%29

    three years of probation and 300 hours of community service yesterday for battery and vandalism against photographer Jordan Dawes


  • Possible Victims: The Portraits of a Serial Killer

    The NYPD has released 215 photographs taken by convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala in an attempt to secure identifications and restart cold case inquiries. Alcala was recently sentenced to death …

    via Prison Photography: http://prisonphotography.wordpress.com/2010/05/14/possible-victims-the-portraits-of-a-serial-killer/

    The NYPD has released 215 photographs taken by convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala in an attempt to secure identifications and restart cold case inquiries.


  • Clowes Encounter: An Interview With Daniel Clowes

    The cartoonist talks about his new book, heart surgery on a shoestring budget, and how he broke The New Yorker’s ban on phallic humor.

    via Mother Jones: http://motherjones.com/media/2010/05/dan-clowes-comics-cartoons-interview?page=1

    The cartoonist talks about his new book, heart surgery on a shoestring budget, and how he broke The New Yorker’s ban on phallic humor.


  • of trees and dreams…

    is there anything better than a childhood dream?  9 year old Gracie Johnson dreams of becoming a photographer….she lives now in the Virginia town where i also dreamed of being a photographer …

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/dialogue/2010/05/of-trees-and-dreams/

    so here at Burn we are creating Circus Magazine  for photographers under 18 and young Gracie will of course be a candidate photographer,  and we are also working in the kindred spirit of her physician father Capt. Johnson and will be using the fee many of you contributed as part of the EPF  grant award for Burn  to send approximately $6,000. to Doctors Without Borders specifically to be used for Haitian relief efforts….


  • Famous Photographers Tell How – An Interview with Weegee (1958)

    “It’s like a modern Aladdin’s Lamp, you rub it and, in this case the camera, you push the button and it gives you the things you want.”

    Click to Play (Right Click & Save to Download): “Weegee” MP3 by Weegee, 1958.

    From the 1958 LP “Famous Photogr

    via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2010/05/interview-famous-photographers-tell-how.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Americansuburb+%28AMERICANSUBURBX%29

    The subject is news photography. This was the most wonderful experience for any man or woman to go through. It’s like a modern Aladdin’s Lamp, you rub it and, in this case the camera, you push the button and it gives you the things you want. News photography teaches you to think fast, to be sure of yourself, self confidence. When you go out on a story, you don’t go back for another sitting. You gotta get it.
